1 - Changing the Future

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Team Flash is at the west house celebrating their newest member, Jenna Marie West when they hear a knock on the door. Everyone is confused as they notice everyone is already here. Barry goes to open the door and a girl in her early 20s comes inside. "Hi" she says

"Hi" Barry says confused

"We need to talk" she says

"Who are you?" Barry asks

"I'm Nora your daughter from the future" Nora says and looks around the room for everyone's reaction. All their faces are frozen and she is just staring there smiling at the group.

"Your our daughter?" Barry says

"From the future?" Iris finishes

"Named Nora?" Barry asks

She nods and says "After your mother"

"Hey weren't you a waitress at their wedding?" Wally pointed out

"Yeah" Barry said and then there was another knock on the door. Barry then opens the door and another girl who is a few year younger than Nora comes in.

"Nora, what are you doing here?" She says

"You always have to ruin everything" Nora says angrily at the girl

"You shouldn't be here, you know what could happen" The mystery girl says

"I don't care, you know what happened" Nora said to the mystery girl referring to something in the future. The rest of the team was just watching this unfold.

"Nora, you have to come home." the mystery girl repeated

"No I can't, I won't" Nora said

Barry had enough of all the secrecy and arguments, he wanted answers "Who are you and what is going on?"

"I'm Dawn. I am also your daughter and Nora needs to come home" She said looking at Barry than at Nora

"I'm not going back" Nora said "I can't go back any way"

"What do you mean you can't get back?" Iris asks

"Well I can't go back because I can't run fast enough to access the speed force ever since..."

"Ever since what?" Barry asks

"Ever since I helped you destroy the Star Labs satellite" Nora said "I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself" Dawn knew she was lying but couldn't confront her in front of the group. "Any Ideas how to help?" Nora said sweetly and Dawn rolled her eyes.

They went to Star Labs and Nora was running around the the speed track and Cisco and Caitlin were looking for any reason why she couldn't go home. Iris had an emergency at CCPN so she had to leave. Barry looked at Dawn who was sitting on the treadmill and at Nora who was running around. Caitlin went to Barry and asked "What's wrong?" he looked at her and tried to come up with an excuse "Barry I know when you thinking about something, there is in point in you trying to hide it" she said and he smiled a bit

"I'm worried that they are going to say the wrong thing and it can change the timeline, they should be here. Them being her is already a danger to the time." He admits

"Barry they aren't going to erase themselves from existence or do anything else to effect the timeline because they have probably been taught on how to keep the timeline intact." Caitlin tries to reassure him

"Thank you" he says putting his hand on her shoulder

"No problem" she says smiling

"I have to go to CCPD, can you try to keep them here" Barry said and Caitlin nodded

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