22 - Still Helping

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In 2049 Nora went to go see Thawne. "Thawne there is a new Cicada but Dwyer took the cure. What's happing?" She said franticly

"I don't know" He said

"But you said..." She was about to go on but was interrupted

"I know what I said" Thawne said "I can't help you"

Nora sped away in anger and returned back to 2018. Sherlock was still investigating Nora and had finished translating the language from Nora's book. He put his cup of tea down once he saw the translation was finished. "What are you hiding Nora West-Allen?" He asked himself. As he was looking through the entries he was stopped by Cisco over the speakers.

"The cortex isn't going to clean itself, you know?" Cisco said. Sherlock rolled his eyes and closed what he was doing to go join the rest of the team. They got back their old tables that they used to have back when they first started and were looking for a way to track Cicada. Instead they have an emergency that something from the Starchives was found in Collins Woods. Cisco and Sherlock were going to got to Colins woods ready to fight, just in case. Iris and Caitlin went to the Starchives to see if it was there.

"You guys there yet?" Cisco asks over the coms

"Yeah, just got here" Iris says and bot girls get out their flashlights since it was pretty dark.

"There is no sign of forced entry" Caitlin said

"Keep looking" Cisco said. He and Sherlock were walking through the forest looking for the stolen object.

"What are we looking for again?" Sherlock asks

"A round glass bubble" Cisco said

"Like that" Sherlock said pointing his gun to the time sphere

"Exactly like that" Cisco said and they both ran towards it. "We found it" Cisco said

"You found it, are you sure?" Iris asks over coms

"What do you mean am I sure?" Cisco asks

"We're looking right at it too" Iris said. Cisco called Barry, Dawn and Nora explain the situation and They came running.

"What do you think happened?" Barry asked

"Commence operation Shazam" Cisco said over the coms. Then they got out their phones and faceted each other. Caitlin was holding the phone so Iris was scratching the material on the time sphere.

"This Cicada is a time traveler from the future" Cisco conclude for the test.

Everyone gathered back at Star Labs and Sherlock was looking at the original plans fro the time sphere when he saw something he recognise from there, from Nora's journals.

Barry found out that the CPPD closed cases area had been attacked by Cicada. They also found out that they only took one folder for the whole archive. A meta attack from 2017. They took Cisco to the crime scene so he could vibe what happened.

"So what are we doing here?" Cisco asked

"We want you to vibe the crime scene" Dawn said

"The security cameras were fried due to the explosion and the ATM was damaged" Barry said

"So you brought me to a non-existent crime scene" Cisco said "What am I supposed to vibe? Everything is new." Cisco then looked around and noticed the concert was burned and continued "Except for the concrete" He placed his hands on the wall and the events of that day happened so clearly. "The victims were Grace Gibbons parents" he said.

"Another Cicada shows up targeting her parents killer and is from the future with powers." Barry said

"It has to be her" Dawn said "the new cicada is Grace Gibbons"

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