7 - Movie Night

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Barry and Dawn want to connect more so they have decided to have a movie night. Caitlin let them watch at her apartment because she felt bad for Dawn. Barry came over with Big Belly Burger for Catlin, Dawn, and himself. Barry knocked on the door and saw Caitlin "Hey" he said

"Hey, come on in," Caitlin said with a bright smile "Dawn your father is here"

"That sounds weird," Barry said to Caitlin "You calling me her father"

"You've heard it before, haven't you," Caitlin says

"Yeah, but it just sounds weird when you say it," Barry says and she laughs

"Why is that?" she said

"I don't know it just does," Barry says

"I forgot to say thank you for the dress, I love it but you didn't have to do that" Caitlin said

"I wanted to, plus you obviously wanted it," he said, and then Dawn came in

"Hey, dad," she says and Barry hugs her.

"Hey, how's it going?" Barry said

"Good now that I can have Big Belly Burger," Dawn says taking the take out from Barry's hand and laying it on the table.

"I got 7 cheeseburgers, 3 large chips, 2 large diet cokes, and one medium, and of course Cait's cheese curds," Barry said taking everything down

"Thanks for buying food for me, I'll go in my room and eat," Cait said taking her food

"Hey Woah hey," Dawn and Barry said

"What?" Caitlin said

"You're not eating by yourself," Dawn says

"Yeah, she's right, sit down," Barry says

"But I'll be crashing your father-daughter time," she said

"No, you won't because we want you here," Dawn says

"Come on Cait," Barry says

"Fine," She said and sat down to eat with the speedsters. They talked and laughed for a little while sharing stories.

"So Dad kept on fainting and let me guess you yelled at him" Dawn said

"Did not" Caitlin said

"Did too" Barry said

"Well sorry I was concerned about you health" Caitlin said stuffing another chip into her face.

"You guys should watch your movie, I'll go" Caitlin said taking her rubbish as she was that last one to finish

"Hey, whoah, whoa, hey" Barry and Dawn said

"No this is supposed to be your father daughter movie night." Caitlin said

"Yeah but we like having you around" Dawn said

"But i'll feel bad" Caitlin said

"But there is no reason you should" Barry said

"You know me" Caitlin said

"And you me, so you know I won't give up until you join us" Barry said

"Fine" Caitlin said

"What do you guys want ice-cream or popcorn?" Barry asked

"Both" Caitlin and Dawn said and sped away and came back in a flash.

"Ok so I got 5 popcorn things and 4 buckets of ice-cream, one mint chocolate-chip for Caitlin, Cookie dough for Dawn, another cookie dough and Brownie for me" Barry said putting everything on the table.

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