8 - Ho ho ho

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Caitlin is woke up by lots of noise and walked into her living room and saw lots of tinsel surrounding the edges of her apartment. Caitlin was shocked at first and saw Dawn hanging ornaments on the christmas tree playing some music from her gauntlet. "Hey, Dawn" Caitlin says

"Hey, Caitlin!" Dawn says excitedly and pauses her music "Are you excited?!"

"Well not as excited as you" Caitlin says moving closer to Dawn. "What's with all the decorations"

"Well in the future, we would always have lots decorations everywhere, in Star Labs, at home, your place. That way no matter what happened there would always be a place to eat of something went wrong" Dawn says "But if you want I can take everything off""

"No, no, no" Caitlin says "It's been a while since I did stuff like this is usually just help put at Star Labs, this is really nice and very festive" and a smile lit up Dawns face which made Caitlin's brighten up with a similar smile to Dawns. Her smile is contagious just like Barry's. "You know you are so much just like your father" Caitlin says helping Dawn with some ornaments.

"You think so?" Dawn asks

"Definitely" Caitlin says

"In the future uncle Cisco describes me as the perfect merge of my dad and my mum" Dawn says smiling of the memory "I've never felt more proud than in that moment, my mum was the sweetest person she would never tell anyone if she was hurting, she always put others before herself, she's been through so much and she is a single mum who smiles and keeps our family safe, she's my hero"

"Your mum sounds like the most amazing person" Caitlin says with a smile

"Yeah she is" Dawn says and then there was a knock on the door and Dawn went to go answer it.

"Hi" Barry said. When they broke away Barry noticed all the decorations in the room. "I didn't know yo liked Christmas this much Cait."

"Actually Dawn did it" Caitlin said coming from the christmas tree and gave Barry a hug.

"I would ask if you guys need help but looks like you got it covered" Barry said

"Yeah" Caitlin said rubbing her arm.

"Hey" Barry said capturing Caitlin's attention "What's wrong?'

"Nothing, I just woke a few minutes ago" Caitlin said

"Are you felling ok?" Barry said and put his hand on her forehead

"Yeah, why?" she said

"It's almost 10" He said

"What it's almost 10!" Caitlin said "Did you take off my alarm clock?"

"Well it woke me up and you were still sleeping" Dawn said and Barry laughed.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Caitlin asked

"No, I just wanted to stop by I still have to go to work before my the break" Barry said

"Your still coming to Star Labs right?" Caitlin said

"Obviously" Barry said

"are you going to Star Labs to decorate?" Barry said "Do you want to come?"

"Really, can I help decorate the cortex?" Dawn says

"Sure" Barry said

"Yes, Cisco doesn't let me help decorate the cortex in the future" Dawn says

"Anyway I'll see you guys later" Barry said and both the girls waved him out. They got back to putting ornaments on the tree and it was lunch by the time they were done.

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