23 - Her Story

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Nora was just replaying the disappointment of her father in her head over and over again. While they were discussing upstairs.

"It's Nora, our daughter" Iris said

"She lied to us Iris, since the day she got her, about Thawne again I might add. She knows what he did to me, to all of us. I can't believe anything she says."

"You don't know that" Iris said

"Yes we do!" Barry said getting very angry

"We don't even know why she was working with him" Iris said and Barry sighed in frustration.

"The question isn't why she is working with him, maybe I can talk to her and shed some light on the matter" Sherlock said

"I think you've shed enough light" Iris said sternly

"Why are you upset at me? What should I have just not told you" Sherlock said

"How long did you suspect her?" Joe asks

"Since I arrived" Sherlock says and Barry furrows his eyebrows at him.

"Wow" Joe said

"So you've been following this trip the whole time and you didn't tell us until now" Iris said

"I don't know where it goes" Sherlock said

"Are you kidding me?" Barry said and you can tell he was getting really frustrated.

"No I am not kidding you" Sherlock said

"I need some air" Barry said and walked out of the cortex. He just walked to Jitters and was sitting at a table by himself drinking his coffee. He could tell this was going to be a long day. He didn't know that Caitlin had followed him too Jitters until she sat down next to him. "I don't want to talk" Barry said walking out of Jitters, lucky he bought a to go cup.

"Well I do" Caitlin said

"Great, go find someone else to talk with" Barry said and realised how rude it was. Caitlin had never heard him speak like that towards her and was a little shocked "Sorry, that was rude" he said

"Yeah, if you don't want to snap like that in front of everyone else then you are going to talk to me" Caitlin said

"I don't have a choice do I?" Barry asked

She shook her head and said "Step into my office" pointing to the closest bench. Both of them sat down and Caitlin went straight into it. "How bad does it hurt" Caitlin asked

"I let her in again after she went behind my back and tried to erase Dawn from existence. Now I've put us all in danger. It's all my fault"Barry said putting his head in his hands. Caitlin slapped the back of head and he looked at her confused "Oww"

"You deserve it. Barry not everything that happens in life is your fault. How manage to make everything your fault is almost funny" Caitlin said

"In this case it is my fault" he said

"How?" Caitlin said

"I wasn't there so she had to turn to Thawne to help her" Barry said

"So to save the world because you disappeared in a fight against Thawne, probably saving Nora, is your fault." She said

"When you say it like that it sounds stupid" Barry said

"Because it is stupid" She said "Barry your a great dad, she just didn't have someone to turn to. She could have honestly thought he was helping her. She didn't t that he killed your mum. All I'm saying is she may not have known she was even being used. Just trying seeing it from her point of veiw"

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