13 - End of the Line pt 1

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It's been a few weeks since everyone had that fun weekend. Barry has been hasn't been seeing Dawn and Caitlin as much, he mainly spends his time with Nora and Iris. He wants to keep his family happy and the more he's around the more he sees them smile. Barry didn't know that he was being baited into spending time with them and the that it was all part of the plan. Cicada has popped up a few times but hasn't made much damage. Nora walked downstairs to see her parents in the kitchen laughing and smiling. A smile lit up her face and she went to go join them.

"Hey mum, hey dad" She said and sat down on one of the kitchen stools

"Hey sweetie" Barry says and gets back to finishing his pancake mix.

"Morning Nora, would you like some pancakes?" Iris asks

"Are you making them?" Nora asks

"No, your father is" Iris says

"Ok, then sure" Nora chirps

"My cooking isn't that bad" Iris says and Nora looks down at the table "Barry?"

"Sorry Babe" He says

"Why have you let me cook so many times?" Iris asks both of them "It's very embarrassing" she laughs it off and is joined by Barry and Nora. Iris went to go sit next to her daughter as Barry started frying the pancakes.

"You guys want to see something cool?" Barry asked and he flipped the finish pancake onto Nora's plate. "Pretty good right?" Nora and Iris nod in agreement and smile. Everything was perfect for Nora, she was sitting there with both her parents talking and laughing, she felt whole. Her thoughts were awoken by Barry who said "Do you want to come to CCPD today, I could use some help finishing some reports?"

"Yeah, I would love that" Nora said and and had a massive smile plastered on her face. The West-Allen family were having such a great time with each other and had to stop when they got a call from Joe.

"Looks like were up" Barry said to Nora who nodded

"By mum" Nora said

"By sweetie, bye babe" Iris said and Barry gave her a kiss on the cheek. Barry and Nora then speed away to CCPD.

Lately Dawn felt down because Barry didn't visit her that much. She slumped down on the couch and started the blank tv drowning in her thoughts. "Hey" Caitlin said

"Hey" Dawn said as happily as she could "What are we having for breakfast?"

"I need to stock up so I thought we could go to Jitters" Caitlin asked and Dawn nodded "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, why would you ask that?" Dawn asks

"You just haven't been seeming like yourself lately" Caitlin said

"I'm alright, let's go to Jitters" Dawn said and then sped them both outside of Jitters. They went inside and noticed Cisco and Harry drinking their morning coffee and decided to join them. "What do you want?" Dawn asks Caitlin

"It's alright, I can get it" Caitlin said

"A Flash, alright" Dawn said and went to go stand in line

"Is she alright?" Cisco asks

"Something seems different" Harry said

"She said she was fine but I don't know" Caitlin said

"What does Barry think about it?"Cisco says

"He hasn't really seen her that much recently" Caitlin says and gets an epiphany "which is probably why she is sad" Cisco and Harry nod in agreement

Dawn came back with Caitlin's coffee and Killer Frost for herself. "Your having a killer frost in the morning?" Cisco says judgementally

"I'm in the mood for one" She say innocently and take a sip of her drink

"Dawn" Caitlin said and Dawn turned to face Caitlin "Are you sad because your dad hasn't been seeing you that much"

"A little" Dawn admitted "It's just when i first came here, the whole point was to get Nora back and then I met him for the first time ever and even better I got to know him. Now it's like he doesn't even remember I'm here." She dropped her drink on the floor and saw that her hand was fading in and out.

The four of them went to Star Labs as fast as possible and Caitlin and Harry ran as many possible tests that they could think of. Cisco called Barry and he came racing right over with Nora. Barry saw Dawn in the med bay and hugged her "Are you ok? what happened?" Barry asked and Dawn explained it to them, leaving out the part where she felt sad he wasn't spending as much time as her. "The timeline's changing, your fading out of existence" He said and ran his hand through his hair.

Everyone was now gathered in the cortex "We know that Dawn is being erased out of existence, we also no that it takes time for time to cement if my calculation are correct that mean that we have 6 hours" Cisco says and Dawn looks down.

While everyone was in the cortex bouncing ideas off of each other Dawn was in the pipeline, her hand started to fade in and out again except this time it was both her hands. When it stopped she exhaled sharply and started crying. Barry heard quiet sobs after informing Joe, Cecil and Iris of what happened he followed the noise and found Dawn with her head in her hands. "I guess you found my spot" he said quietly to not startle her.

Dawn wiped the tears from her face and Barry went to sit next to her "Uh yeah" she said composing herself.

"You don't have to hide with me, I'm your dad, you can tell me anything" Barry said and brought her into a side hug so she was leaning against him.

"I'm scared dad, I don't want to go" She said, her voice breaking.

"I don't want you to either, we are going to find a way to save you" Barry said

"I know that they will find a way but in case they don't I want you to know that these last few months have been the best, getting to know you and spend time with you is better than anything that I have ever imagined. It was also because of you Nora and I became friends again. I love you dad" Dawn said crying and so was Barry

"I love you too and I am so glad I got to meet you. You're smart and you're beautiful and kind and wonderful. I'm so lucky to be able to call you my daughter, and I will do everything that I can to stop this from happening.

"Hey guys we have have got something to slow it down" Cisco says over the speakers and Barry wipes his daughters tears away and then sipes his own. He kissed her on her temple before they both go into the cortex.

"How do we slow it down Cisco" Barry said in the cortex

"We can keep her in the speed-force or we can keep her on the wave-rider so she can stay in the temporal zone but we don't have any permanent solutions" Harry said

Barry then got an idea "What if she made a time remnant? like the reverse Flash" Everyone looked at Barry puzzled "When Eddie killed himself Eobard should have been erased from the timeline."

Harry then continued "His future self then traveled back in time, that's how he is still alive" Harry finishes and everyone in the cortex smiles except Dawn.

Barry notices this and says "Why are you so sad, we figure out a way to save you"

"No, you can't" Dawn said

"What do you mean?" Caitlin said looking at her confused

"I can't make a time remnant I was lucky to even travel through time, I can't go as fast as you or Nora because there is something in my DNA that makes me go slower. There's no changing it." Dawn explained

"I guess we're back to square one" Cisco said and and fell onto the desk. Dawn knew that her chances of not being erased from the timeline were slim.

"We still have two hours left, we better make them count" Caitlin said and all the scientist got back to work. Barry then mouthed a Thank you to Caitlin.

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