11 - Crossover

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Every year the whole bunch of superheroes, Team Supergirl, Team Arrow, Team Legends and Team Flash, have a competition. This year it was a girls vs boys competition and the boys usually always won. Last year they went paintballing and this year they are holding a prank war, the boy's idea. They were in a Star Labs hanger and were going to stay in central city for the weekend. If anything major happened someone from their earths/cities/time will contact them.

"The rules are you must prank someone on the opposite team and video it. Whichever team has the most successful pranks on video wins and obviously gets major bragging rights and gets to choose where we all go on the weekend." Cisco says standing between the two teams, some of the older people decide not to participate in these challenges because it is too crazy and childish for them.

The boys team includes Oliver, Renne, Dig, Roy, Barry, Cisco, Harry, Ray, Nate, Mick, James, Brainy, Mon-el Winn and J'onn.

This girls team is made up of Laurel (Earth-2), Dinah, Felicity, Iris, Caitlin, Dawn, Nora, Sara, Zari, Charli, Ava, Kara, Alex, Lena and Nia.

"Now to make it fair out your team captains will be drawn from theses jars, completely at random" Cisco says. He then holds out two jars one has all the girls names and the other has all the boys names.

Cisco tells Kara to come and pick out a name from the boys team. "Barry" she reads out and Oliver pats him on the back and pushes him forward.

Oliver than goes to pick one from the girls jar and reads out "Caitlin" she steps forward so she is in front of Barry.

"Now shake your opponents hand" Cisco says and they shake hands

"You may as well just give up now" Barry says "We will beat you"

"That's probably because you ran back in the time and didn't want to lose" Caitlin said. She knew that it was a bad burn but she didn't show it.

"No running back in time" Cisco scolded

"Dude I won't run back in time" Barry defended himself

"Well you can be unpredictable" Cisco says and Caitlin laughs and covers her mouth

"Whose side are you on?" Barry asks

"The timeline" Cisco states and Barry rolls his eyes "This is all your fault" Barry says pointing to Caitlin

"What? That your teammate doesn't trust you" Caitlin said and he couldn't think of a comeback so he just glared at her. She had a smirk on his face and turned back to the girls. Barry returned back to the boys who knew that it wasn't over.

"Ok now get everything in order it starts at 7am tomorrow and ends at 7pm" Cisco said "You have until then to get all your affairs in order" After this the boys went to Star Labs and the girls went to Barry and Iris' loft.

"Ok so Caitlin, what's the plan?" Sara asked

Caitlin didn't know what to say because she was terrible at pranks and she had only done one on Cisco. "I'm really sorry guys, I'm really bad at pranks and stuff" She said putting her hand on her forehead.

"Bad is a understatement" Dawn said

"you failed so miserably" Nora said and Caitlin got the best idea

"So do you guys know what happens today?' Caitlin asks curiously

"Well dad loved to boast about it a lot so we basically know what happens" Dawn said and Caitlin looks at all the other girls who knew what she was thinking.

"What?" Dawn said and realised what was going on "No, no ,no, no, no, no"

"Why not?" Felicity said

"The timeline" Nora and Dawn say

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