6 - Reconnect

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Barry is at Star Labs with Cisco and is losing his mind. He feels distant from both Nora and Dawn since the mission. Barry feels like he has to choose which is the last thing he wants to do. He is in the speed lab running around the track. Caitlin saw this on the security camera and knows that when he wants to think or he runs. She goes down to the speed lab which is lit up by his yellow lightning. "Barry!" She calls out and he comes down from the track

"Hey" He says a little out of breath "What do you need me for?"

"I wanted to see what was wrong" Caitlin said

"What makes you think something's wrong?" Barry asked

"When you run a lot you are either chasing a villain or thinking about something, there's no villain and you've been running for 2 hours hour and 30 minutes." Caitlin said

"I've been running for that long?" Barry asked and she nodded

"So what's on your mind?" She says wiggling her eyebrows

"It's Nora and Dawn, I feel like I am losing touch with both of them, they make it like I have to choose between them and I am not going to do that. I want to spend time with both of them but they just can't get along" Barry said

"Take them shopping" Caitlin said

"So I get my daughter's closer by going on a shopping spree" Barry says confused

"Yeah, they've only gone shopping once and barely have any clothes to wear. You could bring Iris as well, that way all of you can connect" Caitlin said

"I guess that could work, also your coming too" Barry said

"Why am I coming?" Caitlin asked

"Don't you think it would be kind of awkward for Dawn if it was Iris, Nora her and I" Barry said "You wouldn't to put her in a position like that right?"

"Of course not I just don't want to intrude, I'm not family" Caitlin said

"Of course your family" Barry said "You wouldn't be intruding especially when I'm asking you"

"Ok I'll go" Caitlin said

"Yes, ok come to my loft at 9:00 tomorrow" Barry said "Bring Dawn"

"Ok" Caitlin said and Barry sped away with a wink and filled Iris and Nora in on the plan. At first they were angry about Dawn and Caitlin coming but they let it go.

It was Saturday and Barry, Iris and Caitlin didn't have to go in for work. It was exactly 9:00 when Caitlin and Dawn showed up at the door. "Right on time" Barry chirped cheerfully

"Well you know Caitlin, it's either early on right on time" Dawn said and Barry laughed. Iris and Nora then came down the steps and were not that excited to see the two but put a smile on for Barry. Iris doesn't really mind Caitlin but doesn't understand why she came today.

"Ok well we ready to go?" Barry asks after everyone said hello. Dawn, Barry and Nora sped Iris and Caitlin there. "Ok where do you guys want to go first?"

"Can we go over there?" Nora said pointing to a shop with lots of t-shirts and jackets her style. Barry nods and the 5 of them head over there. Nora and Dawn try one some clothes and get a verdict from Barry, Iris and Caitlin. After they did casual clothes they wanted some nice dresses as well.

Nora was eyeing a black dress that would fit her perfectly. Barry comes up behind her and says "You know that would look very nice on you"

"Thanks but I don't..." Nora said and was cut off by Barry who knew where this was going

"You would look really nice in it try it on" Barry said and Nora nodded taking the dress. Barry then saw Iris smiling at him and he smiled back. He went to go join Iris, Dawn and Caitlin as they were all waiting for the big reveal. A few seconds later Nora came out in a black dress and she looked perfect on her.

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