5 - Iris and Nora's Plan

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It's been a week since Cicada showed up and nothing new has happened. Nora and Dawn have been avoiding each other at all costs. "We need a plan" Nora says

"Well What can we do?" Iris says and Nora gets a risky idea but if it works it will be a brilliant one.

"We need to talk to someone who can manipulate the timeline" Nora says

"Who are you thinking about?" Iris says

"Look I know how this is going to sound but I think it will work I have talked to them before. It's the reverse Flash from my time" Nora says and Iris was about to go off at her when Nora continued "He will help me with anything plus ruining Barry's life is something he could get on board with"

"Ok, but never bread a word of this to anyone" Iris says

"Only if you won't" Nora says and Iris nods

"How are we going to go to the future anyway" Iris askes

"I'll time travel us there, will be in and out before you know it" Nora says with a smile

"When do you want to do it?" Iris asks

"At noon meet me here and we'll go to the future" Nora says

At noon Nora and iris got ready to travel to the future. Nora brought the time capsule for Iris to travel in. Nora opened the speed force and took Iris in with her. They ended up in 2045. "Ok so where to know?" Iris asks Nora looking at her surroundings.

"We have to go to the meta wing in iron heights" Nora said and sped Iris there. Next thing she knew she was standing in front of the Eobard Thawne.

"Nora, Iris, always a pleasure" Thawne said "What assistance do you need now Nora?"

"I need to make sure my dad never gets together with you know who" Nora says

"I told you I'm on a new path" Thawne said

"But you hate the flash, and this wouldn't be what the flash wanted" Nora said

"Why would you do this if this isn't what he wanted?" Thawne asks

"Because I want my family back" Nora says

"We want our family" Iris says

"We'll I suppose if this is what both of you want then I'll help you" Thawne says "If you need to suck up to him be all clingy until he feels weird. Then say you don't want to lose him and he will come running right into your arms. Make sure you keep up the vulnerable act. Make sure it'll be like he never wants to leave the family as you guys are so perfect, make sure you are his dream family and he will never leave you. Make sure you are his dream family and he can never live without you."

"So we suck up to him until he catches on to how desperate we are for our family and Barry being Barry will do anything to keep us happy which is never leaving" Iris said and thawne nodded

"But you can't be sudden suck up really small at first and gradually be more clingy" Thawne explains and both of them nod. "Is that all?"

"Yes" Nora says "Thank you"

"Any time little runner" Thawne says with a warm smile and Nora ran away with Iris. They went back to the past and was going start the plan as soon as possible. Team Flash had no idea the kind of things it would lead to.


Sorry for the really short chapter. I didn't want to do much on Nora and Iris and I didn't know what else to put. I hope you enjoy!

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