19 - All the Feels

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It's been a week since the incident and things have been quiet. Cicada hasn't made a move and no metas have showed up, even thefts have decided to take a break. Cisco and Dawn have come up with a plan to push Caitlin and Barry together. A day of fun and if it doesn't work then they will end up having a fun time together.

Cisco, Dawn, Caitlin, Barry and Dawn were in the cortex. Lately Barry has been checking in with Iris see how she has been feeling. Before when he was around her he would feel giddy and happy, in love. Now he looked at her as a best friend, she wasn't anything more and could never be more. Nora has been spending time with her mum and has occasionally helped out at Star Labs and CCPD.

Caitlin thought she buried theses feelings a long time ago and she never thought she would have a child after Ronnie. When she found out she had a daughter with Barry she was so happy not only that she had a child but that it was with a amazing guy.

In Star Labs everyone was talking and asking Dawn about the future. "Do I still have my long hair?" Cisco asked "I realised I never asked you"

"Sadly"  Dawn said and then blows raspberries. "I'm bored" she said and gave Cisco a look.

"Me too" he said "Let's do something"

"What?" Barry asked

"I don't know" Cisco said

"Can we do a challenge?" Dawn asks

"What kind of challenge?" Caitlin asks

"Any" Dawn said

"Or we can do many and the  winning team gets to pick or make the loser do something, we can figure that part later" Cisco said

"Well I will not partake in these challenges" Sherlock said

"What about you guys" Cisco said motion to his best friends with the licorice in his hand

"I'm down" Barry said

"Me too" Caitlin said

"I dibs being on a team with Cisco" Dawn said

"Should we be offended" Caitlin said

"No because we know Cisco needs the help and I am not choosing between the two of you" Dawn said and Barry and Caitlin looked at each other and smiled.

"Looks like we're partners" Caitlin said

"Yeah, after all we are quite the pair Dr Snow" Barry said

"You remember that" Caitlin said

"If course I do, it happened the day you got drunk and I could never forget that" Barry said and smiled. Dawn and Cisco fist pump watching the two, their plan was already working. "So, what are we playing?" Barry asks

"Well if we are going to do this we are going to need someone to run the challenges." Cisco said

"I'll do it" Sherlock says coming in the room. "I have hit too many dead ends with Cicada" They all nod and while Sherlock is thinking of a plan Dawn and Cisco come up to him and explain what they are doing.

Sherlock then comes back with the first game. Two truths and a lie. Everyone looked at him confused to why he chose it and he explained it. "What? You know how to play two truths and a lie, yes?"

"Yeah, it's just a interesting choice" Caitlin said

"How do we make it competitive" Dawn asks

"Each person will say 2 each, and if your partner guess it right you get a point" Sherlock says and they nod "Cisco will go first"

"My favourite movie is Star Wars attack of the clones,  I wore a keep calm shirt on my first day and star labs and I like red licorice better than black" Cisco said

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