16 - Forgive But Won't Forget

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Barry and Iris have barely talked since the divorce, Iris decided to go through with it because she knew that she couldn't keep him to herself. Nora was angry that Iris divorced Barry but mainly kept it to herself. Barry has been dealing with everything with help of his friends and daughter. Joe and Cecil are mainly comforting Iris which he understands. Iris was in the loft with Nora and Joe when she suddenly had to go vomit. It was strange for her because she never vomited.

"Mum are you ok?" Nora asked rubbing her mum's back

"Yeah, maybe just food poisoning from that Thai place" Iris said "I'll call in sick"

"Me too" Joe said from behind "I want to make sure that you are both ok"

"You don't need to do that" Iris rebutted

"No, you're sick and both of you are going through a hard time. Barry may be my son but he has Caitlin and Cisco. You guys get me" Joe said "I'll go get some water and some medicine" Iris nods and Nora soothes her mum's back. Iris takes a day off work and is being taken care of by Nora as joe had to be called into work.

A few days later Iris was still feeling sick and was still cooped up inside her loft. "I don't know why I am so sick?" she said

"It could be nausea" Nora said

"No, this is something else" she said and then had an idea. "I'm going to go to the store to pick up some more medicine"

"Mum your sick let me do it" Nora said

"No it's driving me crazy being cooped up in this loft" Iris said and Nora nodded. Iris was driving to the store unsure what she would do if it was true. As she got to the store she bought more than one so she could double check if she was right. She got back home and went straight to the bathroom. She took the test and waited 3 minutes, Iris was pacing in the bathroom waiting for the results. The timer on her phone went off and she looked at the stick. Two lines. She was pregnant with Nora. "Oh this is going to be a complicated situation" she said

Iris went to Nora and told her the news, "Are you sure?" Nora asked trying to hold in her excitement.

"I took it once and it said I was pregnant" Iris said

"You should probably double check" Nora said and Iris was in shock so she just nodded and used one of the other ones she bought. She did the same as before and set her timer to 3 minutes. When it went off she took a breath before looking back down at the stick. Two lines. She was definitely pregnant. Iris went downstairs to talk to Nora who was trying to hide her excitement.

"Little me is inside there" Nora said wanting to jump around

"You can jump around if you like" Iris said noticing Nora's manor. Nora then started to jump and hug her mother. "You going to have baby me!" Nora squealed excitedly

"Yeah" Iris said smiling and clenched her daughter tighter. Then Iris realised something and backed away from the hug. "How am I going to tell your father?" Iris asked

"I don't know" Nora said "But I'll be by your side" and Iris nodded.

"Let's go find him" Iris said and they both set off to CCPD.

They bumped into Joe and he asked "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be at home resting?"

"Uh well we need to talk to Barry" Iris said

"Well you don't need to do it when your sick" Iris said

"I'm not sick I'm pregnant" Iris said

"That's amazing, Congratulations" Joe said and smiled, he gave Iris and hug and then broke away. "I'm guessing that's why you're looking for Barry" and iris nodded "Well he's not here right now, probably at Star Labs"

"Thanks papa Joe" Nora said and they set off to Star Labs and prepared themselves for a bunch of angry faces. They walked in to see Barry, Dawn, Harry, Caitlin and Cisco all laughing. They stop laughing when they notice Iris and Nora in the door of the cortex.

"What are you doing here?" Cisco asked

"We need to talk to Barry, It's important" Iris said

"Well go on" Caitlin said

"I think that we need to talk in private" Iris said

"Ok" Barry said and they all made their way to the speed lab "So what did you guys want to talk about?"

"I don't know how to start this but today we found out that I was pregnant" Iris said and just watched as Barry stood there frozen.

"Uh wow" Barry said and didn't know what to say next, he had a lot of mixed feelings about the news but knew he couldn't express them to Iris or Nora.

"If you don't want to be apart of her life then that's totally fine" Iris said but that broke Nora's heart

"No, of course I want to be apart of her life, no child should have to live without their parents" Barry said and Nora smiled "I also want to be there for you when your going through this"

Iris and Nora smiled and then Iris said "If we are going to raise a child together then we are going to have to talk about what happened" Iris said

"Yeah" Barry said and scratched the back of his neck

"I'm sorry" Iris said

"We are so sorry" Nora said "It was selfish and wrong, we know that and we understand if you are mad at us but we hope at some point we can have your forgiveness even though we don't really deserve it"

"I forgive you" Barry said and they both look at him surprised "If we are going to raise Nora together it has to be on good terms and I know you feel bad I can tell by the look on your faces. I can't be fully ok with what you did right away but I will get there. Even though we are not married doesn't mean still can't all be a family"

Nora and Iris smiled at him and he smiled back. "Thank you dad" Nora said and hugged him

"Thank you Barry" Iris said and joined them. They broke the hug and Iris and Nora went back upstairs along side Barry. Everyone in the cortex has confused faces and thought that they were back together. Everyone especially Dawn didn't feel very happy about this. Looking at all the upset faces Iris couldn't handle the pressure so she said "I feel sick I'm going to go to the bathroom" Nora went to go follow her to the Bathroom because Iris then started actually feeling sick.

"You seriously got back together with Iris!" Caitlin said

"What?! No" Barry said "No she told me that she was pregnant and because I want to be there for her and Nora we decided to start patching things up" Barry explained and everyone felt relieved.

"So you're forgiving them?" Caitlin said confused on why he would do that

"A week ago you told me you had to live without your father and you said how missed so many things. I don't want to do that to her." Barry said "that mean repairing things with Iris and Nora and I know what they did was horrible, I may be forgiving them but I won't forget that"

"If you forgive them, I will too" Dawn said and smiled at her dad who nodded and smiled back.

"Well if you guys can forgive them we can too" Cisco said with a smile and looks at Caitlin who nods.

"Thanks guys" Barry said "You don't know how much of help you all are"

"What else is family for?" Caitlin said 

Don't hate me for this chapter. Hope you enjoy and thanks for the comments!

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