20 - Tragedy Strikes

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Barry walked in to Star Labs and saw Caitlin doing her work in her lab. "Hey" he said approaching her

"Hey" Caitlin said "What are you doing here so early?"

"Though I would see how you guys are going" Barry said "If you want I could come back later" he said

"No, I mean, It's awesome having you here, I just wasn't really expecting you. You can stay." She said with a smile and he smiled back. Her smile lit up the room and was contagious but only to him. Whenever he made her smile he would always smile back as he was filled with happiness when she smiled.

"Then he was pulled from his thoughts by a voice coming from the cortex. "Hey mum, dad" Dawn said.

"Hi" Barry said with a smiled

"When did you get here?" Dawn asked

"Few second ago" Barry said "Why?"

"No reason" She replied

"Does anyone actually want me in Star Labs?" Barry asks jokingly

"Haha" Caitlin said and laughed afterwards

"Well no one actually does want you except maybe Cisco but we need you because then we will be trespassing so" Dawn said mockingly

"Haha" Barry said and heard Caitlin laughing which was accompanied by their daughter. Cisco then came walking in feeling pretty happy as per usual.

"Hey peeps, what's up?" Cisco said going the family in Caitlin's lab.

"Nothing much, just making dad feel unwanted" Dawn said

"Why?" Cisco asked

"I don't know" Dawn said

"Also I have some ideas for improvements for you suit" Cisco says to Dawn and runs away excitedly.

"Don't touch my suit" Dawn yelled running at normal speed. Caitlin and Barry laughed at their daughter who was finding Cisco. Barry looked at Caitlin and everything about her mesmerised him. He didn't realise he was staring at her until she stood up and shook him snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Hey, you alright?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah I'm fine" Barry said and looked at the floor trying to hide his blush and ultimately failed.

"Barry I've knowing you for almost 5 years and can tell when you're lying to me" Caitlin said putting her hands on her hips. "Come one tell me what's going on?"

"Nothing is going on" Barry said

"Barry" she said in a very strict tone

"Would you believe me if I said it was you?" He was thinking and didn't release that he actually said it out loud.

"What do you mean me?" Caitlin said

"Did I say that out loud?" Barry said embraced

"Yes and stop avoiding the question" Caitlin said

"I mean you are perfect in every single and I can't believe I am doing this but Caitlin Snow will you go on a date with me?" Barry asked

"Yes, I will go on a date with you Barry Allen" Caitlin said with her bright smile which made Barry smile as well.

He felt very giddy and said "Great, I'll pick you up at 7"

"7 it is" Caitlin said and then the alarms start going off "if we can handle this easily." Barry sighed and they made their way to the cortex.

"What is it?" Barry asked

"Cicada" Cisco said

"Alright, let's go" he said and all four of them went to suit up with Sherlock and Iris on coms. They were getting ready for the cure to be used on Cicada. Barry took Caitlin, Nora and Dawn sped in and Cisco breached in. "Cicada!" Barry said

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