10 - Old Wounds

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Caitlin has been trying to get Killer Frost back and she found something that led her to her father. She found out that his death was forged and she knows that he is still alive. She didn't want to find him until she was ready and thought it was more important to help the team stop Cicada. Nora and Iris went to go look for the satellite which Cicada might have gotten his powers from. Harry ad Dawn went to go see if Cicada got any medical treatment. It was just Cisco, Barry and Caitlin in the cortex.

"So Snow patrol" Cisco says walking closer to her and with Barry.

"I'm guessing that it is not a coincidence that the three of us have nothing to do for the next few hours" she said says looking sceptically and Barry and Cisco

"We know we were supposed to wait to locate your dad" Barry says

"But I looked at the all the sun down tan house black sites and then looked at all the security cameras and you dad was seen entering one and he never came out" Cisco continues

Caitlin paused for a moment before saying "Where is he?" Caitlin, Cisco and Barry got ready to go to Antartica and got their equipment and hood ready. "Thank you guys for coming with me" she says and both of them nod.

"Ready when you are" Cisco said and everyone got ready. Cisco opened a breach and everyone jumped through. They in the snow where they couldn't see anything because it was so dark. Caitlin calls out to both of the men because she found a building. Barry phased all of them inside and it was a empty corridor. It was much warmer and they could see everything that was going on. They saw another door and Barry was the first to go through. They looked around and went down the staircase. It was old and dusty, it looked like no one had been here in years.

They were looking around when they heard a voice "Caity?" He called they all shone their torches towards him and he was blinded by the light.

"Dad? Is that you?" She asked

"Is this really happening?" He asks still sliding by the torches

"Your alive" Caitlin said hugger her dad. Both Barry and Cisco are shocked that he was here and still alive.

"Your really here, you found me" He said and she just held him closer.

"You got my message" He said and she nodded

"It took me 20 years to find it but It lead me to you" Caitlin said with a smile

"I knew you would come, thank you, thank all of you" he said and she nodded with a smile

"Oh dad these are my friends" she said but was cut off by her dad

"Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon, I know" He said

"I'm sorry how do you know us?" Barry asked a little creeped out

"When I first got here I kept in contact with many scientist, Dr Wells was on of them, he gave me full access to Star Labd video access, it hasn't work till recently and since it rebooted it has only been a one way transmission." he said

"Looks like you had many toys here to keep you compony" Cisco says admiring evrything "This neat little incubator, what's it for?"

"I never had any use for that" He said

"How are you still alive?" Caitlin said

"I experimented with therapies using cryogenics, the became more dangerous so I quarantined myself. I stopped the progression of the disease but then the sight was closed out" he said sad

"So mum locked you in here" Caitlin said

"She only wanted what was best for you" Thomas said

"How did you survive in here?" Barry asked

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