27 - A Different Future

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At Star Labs everyone was in the cortex as Caitlin came back with the news on her condition. "How is she?" Barry asked

"I've never see anything like this, her cells are kinetically inverted, if she didn't have speed she would be dead." Caitlin said

"Guess I should have looked into the gun more" Cisco said

"I don't understand why she would do something like this" Nora said frustrated.

"That's the question isn't it?" Sherlock said and walked off to go find something.

At CPPD Nora and Barry had to analyse and see if there was anything that could help them locate Cicada. "I cantle wait for this nightmare to be over" Barry said

"I should be over" Nora said

"Look for whatever reason you sister did that, I'm sure she had a good reason" Barry said and he then spotted something on the ground. They came to a conclusion that Cicada brought the piece of wood from somewhere else.

Cisco is going to test the wood, Nora and Iris were working on something else. "How's Dawn?" Barry asked

"I've never seen anything like this before" Caitlin said "I just wish I could help her of that she could wake up, I've been so focused on Cicada..."

"Cait don't go there, this my fault I've been focused on everything but her but she's my daughter" Barry said

"Not everything is our fault, once we find out why she did it we can figure out a way to put this all to bed and that's all that matters" Caitlin said and Barry nodded

"I know why Dawn jumped in front of the gun" Sherlock said storming in with Dawns gauntlet. "She figure out Thawne's plan and she didn't even realise it until then. Thawne had the dagger on his west which was why he couldn't use his abilities, he wanted us to get rid of the dagger so he could have his powers and stay alive. Its the reason he was helping you."

"And to stop dad from disappearing" Nora said

"That's only part of it, this had nothing to do with your father" Sherlock said "He wants to destroy the dagger because it was the only thing keeping him in prison"


"Guess this is it" The guard said

"Seems like it doesn't it" Thawne said

"I contact the Flash museum and thought this should be buried with you" he said holding the ring with reverse flashes suit. "Consider it a parting gift"


"If we get rid of the dagger now it disappears in disappears in the future" Caitlin clarified and Sherlock nodded.

"Thawne gets out of Iron heights" Barry said

"A reverse time hack" Cisco said

"Everything you said about Thawne was true, he was just using me" Nora said

"This isn't your fault" Iris said

"Yes it is" Nora said and walked away into where Dawn was.

"Now remains the question, are we going to stop Thawne ore Cicada?" Sherlock asked

"We can't let a bunch of metas die, we stop cicada" Barry said and walk out of the room.

Later Nora was still sitting next to Dawn's bed. "You know you and your sister are like me. You both blame yourself when things go wrong but are very trusting."

"I need to fix this" Nora said

"You might not be able to, sometimes we just have to live with the consequences" Barry said. Caitlin then came in with her tablet and didn't realise that they were there.

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