14 - End of the line pt 2

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Everyone has been trying to help in any way possible and Barry was in the cortex with Caitlin, Harry and Cisco. Dawn was tying up some loose ends as she said, Joe got called back into CCPD and Cecil was in the lounge checking on Jenna. Barry needed to clear his mind so he was going to go to the speed lab to run. As he got closer he heard Iris and Nora talking. Barry heard Iris say "You never told me this would kill Dawn" and he kept on listing to see what they were talking about it.

"I didn't know that it would but it means our plan is working, now dad doesn't fall in love with anyone else and we get to be a family, you want us to be a family don't you?" Nora asks

"Of course I do" Iris said "I'm glad that we get this family as much as I wish no one was hurt I get to keep my family and that is everything" Iris said "Honestly I wasn't sure that it would work since we went to Eobard Thawne of all people"

"Me too and I feel bad about tricking dad but I'm just glad that everything worked out" Nora said

"Now we can be a happy family, no distractions" Iris said with a smile that was replicated on Nora's face. Barry then pieced together everything, the whole date was just a front for their plan, everything she told him was the reason Dawn was fading out of existence.

"Are you sure about that?" Barry said coming out of the hallway, the smiles on the girls faces instantly faded as they saw an angry Barry. "I can't believe you guys would do something like this"

"Barry it's not like that" Iris said

"What, so you didn't go to my arch enemy to get a plan to keep this family together and then trick me so you look like the victim and you think that this family was drifting apart because of Dawn when you guys are the ones causing the problems. Then this plan cause my other daughter to be erased from existence. It's not like that!" Barry yelled and Iris and Nora stayed silent "That's what I thought and the downfall of our marriage, of this family wasn't because we weren't spending enough time together, it's because of both of you" he said and threw his wedding ring on the floor. Barry was walking away and had both Nora and Iris following him repeating the same things over and over again. Cisco, Harry, Caitlin and Dawn who had finished everything she needed to do before she left, heard the overlapping chatter. They turned their heads to see a very angry Barry enter the cortex with Iris and Nora behind him looking very desperate. They were still trying to convince him to not do this. "ENOUGH!" he said tired of their rants. Everyone was shocked at Barry's emotions since he was never this mad. "What you did was wrong and selfish, because you didn't realise that your actions have consequences Dawn is being erased from the timeline"

"What are you talking about?" Dawn asks interrupting

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Barry asks Nora and Iris

"We went to the future to go talk to the Reverse Flash so he could help us keep our family together" Nora started

"So we tricked Barry and we made him feel bad about leaving us so that he would stay and we could be a family" Iris said

"Because of what we did Dawn is fading out of existence" Nora said. Everyone is taken back by this.

Iris and Nora are looking at the ground ashamed when Dawn says "I just have one question, was becoming friends, sisters was that part of your ruse as well?" Nora nods and Dawn was upset "Well I guess you didn't just screw him over you screwed me too, I hope you get what you wanted" She then sped out of the room.

"You didn't just screw them over" Cisco said

"You screwed all of us" Caitlin finished

"I'm sorry, we are so sorry" Iris said looking apologetically at everyone.

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