4 - A Mission

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Barry was at a crime scene where he was casing any evidence he could find. "Allen" Singh says "So this is where the Moretti brothers have been stashing their weapons. Whoever had the guts to rob them are running fast and loose and if we don't stop them, we could have a war on our hand"

"Don't worry Central City's finest are on the case" Nora says

"I'm sorry who are you?" Singh asks her and Barry is still shocked that she is here

"Nora, I'm a CSI intern"

"You hired an intern, Allen?" His boss asks

"Yeah, I uh needed help with all the cases while I was suspended so I hired and intern, for free" Barry explained, and the captain walked away eyeing Nora suspiciously. "What are you doing here?" Barry asks Nora when Singh is gone.

"Well, I saw this badge and this jacket and thought I'm a CSI too ad maybe I can help also what is that?" Nora says walking towards a block of human tissue.

"I haven't gotten to that yet, but it looks like somebody wanted their pound of flesh" Barry says, and Nora touches the block with no gloves and Barry immediately says "Whoa, whoa what are you doing? You can't touch that you'll contaminate evidence"

"You mean you don't have a scene-wide modification bosonic frequency field to avoid cross contamination" Nora says

"I don't even think some of those words exist" Barry says, and Nora smiles innocently

"It just seems way denser than human tissue" Nora points out. They got to Star labs to do some DNA testing and Barry wanted to check on Dawn who is usually with Caitlin.

"We got a match" Cisco says "Vanessa Jansen, she was a low level drug dealer who worked for the skulls gang"

"I bumped in to a few of these guys while I was in prison" Barry says

"Your were in prison?" Nora says and Barry nods "That wasn't in the Flash museum

"Are there any places that she frequent?" Dawn asked

"East street auto haven, which is probably a front for gangs activity" Caitlin said

"Yes I get to take down my first bad guy" Nora says and looks at Barry "With your permission of course"

"Yeah let's go, Dawn do you wanna come?" Barry asked

"No I'm fine I probably be better here" She said

"Come it'll be fun" Barry said

"Your having fun on the field for a meta who can squash human beings into blocks" Dawn said

"You know what I mean" Barry said

"Ok" Dawn said. When they got there Vanessa was dealing with a weapons dealer.

"I'll take Vanessa and the drug dealer, you guys make sure that they have no backup" Barry said Dawn nodded but Nora wanted to prove herself.

"I can do better" Nora said and sped away from Barry and Dawn. She locked the Weapons dealer in a truck and locked it. "Sorry I can't let you hurt him" Nora says and was walking towards Vanessa when she was trapped in one of her blocks.

Barry jumped in and said "Vanessa stop"

"The Flash" Vanessa said "Guess I better put my hands up" which she did and Nora went flying and Barry went after her. Dawn saw that Vanessa was about to get away and sped near her and punched her in the face as she realised that she didn't have meta cuffs. Vanessa then wiped the blood that was coming out of her face and tried to shoot Dawn with a small block. Dawn tried to run from them and get closer to Vanessa again. She was getting closer but was blown back by a big blast from Vanessa who ran. Dawn hit her head and passed out. Barry and Nora came back and saw Dawn on the floor. Barry rushed to her side whereas Nora was looking for any trace of Vanessa.

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