Chapter 1: New Job

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(POV: y/n)
I woke up to my alarm blaring. I got up and reached over to turn it off, with a yawn I got out of my bed and opened my blind. I sighed to myself, I could sleep in but I have a lot of work to do. I went to my bathroom and got ready for the day. I put on some black pants and f/c shirt, fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. Running down the stairs I was greeted by my mom texting on her phone and my dad watching TV.

"Morning y/n!!" My mom said looking up from her phone.

"Good morning mom" I replied. I grabbed breakfast and sat next to my mom on the dinner table, still texting.

"Who are you texting mom?" I said with a mouthful of food.

My mom gave a frustrated sigh "y/n, sweetie, don't talk with your mouth full, its rude. But I'm talking to my friend group of mom friends. They're all wondering what job you're going to be working at" 

"Mom, I said I'm working on it" I gave a sad side eye to my mom
My dad piped up from the couch "she's right y/n, you've got to get a job. You could always be a manager in a restaurant or waiter or something!"

"Oh, how about that new mall? Freddy Fazebear? It opened last month, I'm sure there is plenty of job openings" My mom tuned in.
I finished my breakfast and started washing it in the sink. "That sounds... terrifying. I'll die if I have to talk to people." I joked, but it wasn't a joke, talking to people made me nervous and having to do an interview felt too much to handle. Just thinking about it made my skin crawl.

"please honey, for us?" My mom begged.

I let out a dramatic sigh "I'll think about it..." I said lowly. Putting my washed dish away I headed up to my room. I flopped on my bed and pulled out my phone. 'Freddy Fazebear' I searched up the mall and clicked on the official website. 'Fancy' I thought to myself, I scrolled through the listed job openings.

•Security guard
•Backstage manager
•Makeup Artist
•Daycare Manager
[Please select a job. First name and last name, number, and current email required.]

Daycare Manager peeked my interest the most as I liked kids since they weren't as judgmental as adults or teens. I clicked on the job and filled in the questions for the job application. After filling my name, my phone number, and my email I go get ready for a shower.

• • • • • • • Time Skip • • • • • • •

It's been about a week or two since I last filled in that application and I'm losing hope on getting that job. I was watching my favorite show before my phone started ringing. I answered the phone.
"hello? Who is this?" I asked.

"Is this y/n?" A ladies voice on the other side said.

"Yes, that's me" I answered.

"Great! I'm just calling you to let you know you've been selected to do an interview for tomorrow at 10:30am. Please meet at the golden Freddy statue in the entrance, there you will meet a lady named Delilah who will interview you. That is all I'm required to tell you, good bye and Freddy Fazebear Entertainment thanks you for choosing us" The lady said.

"Okay, thank you", bye" I said as I hung up.

That night I couldn't sleep, I wasn't mentally prepared for social interaction. 
The next day I woke up to my alarm set at 8:30am, I took a shower and put on my fanciest clothes. I fixed my hair , brushed my teeth and headed downstairs, by then it was 9:00am. I got downstairs and saw my mom making breakfast. 

"Morning mom" I yawned.

"Morning sweetie" My mom replied "Why are you so up early?" 

"Oh I have an interview-" I was quickly cut off.

"You did? Oh thank the stars, my little y/n is flying out of the nest!" My mom was overjoyed.

I let out a nervous laugh before grabbing my car keys. My mom stopped me before I left the kitchen.

"Wait y/n, you have to eat something, here take some for the road." My mom said as she handed me sandwich. Basic option but food nonetheless.

I turn my car on and wait for it to fully heat up while eating my sandwich. Once the car heated up I began driving to the location sent to me by email while eating my sandwich. I parked my car the parking lot and put away the wrapper my sandwich was in. It felt like time was speeding up, i was dreading everything. I opened the doors to the entrance of the mall and stood by the golden Freddy statue. My heart felt like it was ready to explode. Someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

"Excuse me, mx? Are you y/n?" The lady asked.

I nodded and exhaled deeply. The lady chuckled at me.
"I'm Delilah, I'll be interviewing you. Don't be so nervous, I don't bite" She laughed.
I smiled and followed her to another room full of Freddy and ganged merch and a table. I clutched onto my shirt for comfort. Delilah sat down in a chair and I followed after her. 
"So" She began "let's begin"

..••°°°°••.. A/N ..••°°°°••..

First chapter and I'm feelin nervous. I finished as fast as I could for my friend. Hi friend :D

Total word count: 900

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