S2 Chapter 6: Fun Games With A Distant Family

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I've had this idea for so long and I can FINALY use it. Keep both your hands on the phone, unless you have a computer. Who reads Wattpad on a computer actually?

(POV Y/n)
Moon grumbled.
"Before we get into the movie, I found the day of when the laser tag event is going to happen" Moon stated.

"Oh? And when is that?" You asked.

"Tomorrow" Moon answered.


Your body felt cold, back uncomfortable. You opened your eyes to see you were in the spirit version of the plex. You groaned, wondering why you were there. Getting up, you looked around to see if you could figure out exactly where you were. You were in the employee halls like usual only this time, you were beside an exit sign. You had never seen the spirit version of the plex outside of the halls. 

Pushing the door, you slowly creaked it open. You gasped at what you saw. Animatronic suits roamed the spirit version of the Plex. An animatronic must have heard you because one that was a blue bunny turned towards you. The animatronic began walking towards you, its footsteps making loud thump sounds that shook the floor, it's eyes an endless void. 

Suddenly a hand was placed on your shoulder and you were pulled back. The animatronic was feet away before the door slammed shut in front of it. The door made a loud bang sound, an eerie silence following right after. You looked up to see Michael, he still wore his fox mask.

The mask Michael wore reminded you of the kid in C.C's death. Michael put a hand to the masks mouth, signaling for you to be silent. Faint footsteps could be heard on the other side of the door. Then someone, or something, began banging on the door. 

"We have to go" Michael said, grabbing your arm and leading you deeper into the halls.

"What are those things?" You asked.

"The animatronics. Some are just poor animatronics trapped in here. Left to be angry without knowing why, no reason to be vengeful, trapped and cursed to forever rot" Michael replied. 

You looked back at the door before turning a corner. 

"Some are angry from being trapped and forced to carry out vengeful acts. Those are the ones that are more responsive" Michael continued. 

"I think I've heard a piece of that story... Charlotte, she mentioned how their souls were bonded to the suits. She said it... Sparked them inside? They became more aware" You said.

"Yes but they went rouge, not sure why... The main 5, along with C.C, Elizabeth, and Charlotte all possessed animatronics" Michael explained, "you can guess which ones by the masks"

"What about you and C.C?" You asked.

Michael stopped.
"What animatronics we posses? C.C shares the golden Freddy animatronic with Cassidy. What a mess that was.." Michael started, "as for me, I don't posses one"

"Really? Because you have a fox mask just like that other kid. You two don't control one together?" You questioned further.

"Listen, Y/n, let's move on from this conversation. We should be focusing on getting you back before someone finds you" Michael changed the subject, looking at the floor. 

"Alright then, so now what?" You sighed. 

"We play the waiting game.." Michael said, leaning against a nearby wall.

You didn't like the idea of waiting, awkwardly waiting for yourself to wake up. A pair of footsteps echoed around you. Michael listened intensively, seemingly trying to differentiate who's footsteps it was. A shadow with a bowtie on top was slowly creeping closer. You looked up to see..

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