Chapter 22: Slumber Part (Part 2)

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A/n: Swearing and implied sexual acts (such as kissing and other NSFW related stuff)
Back again for more gossip, Bloody Mary dares, and watching movies eh? Let's get this show on the road! New character too lol

(POV Y/n)
Suddenly there was a knock at the door.
"Hello? I heard singing in here" An unfamiliar voice said.
You turned to see..

You turned to see a man wearing grey pants, red shirt with a white collar and green buttons standing by the open entrance. They also had dark brown hair and black shoes, a phone and flashlight in his pockets. 

"You hear singing because there's a karaoke going on" Moon replied. 

"But the cleaning staff just cleaned in here, you better not make a mess" The stranger crossed their arms.

"I'm actually one of the cleaning staff that cleaned the rooms and... And I-I promise we won't make a mess" Evelyn chimed in. She spoke confidently until the attention was turned to her. 

You glanced at Evelyn as she spoke. You noticed Evelyn was fidgeting with her thumbs, her eyes wide and focused on the person at the door. Evelyn eyes glimmered in the bright lights. 

"Yeah! No messes will be made" Sun added.

Evelyn leaned towards you.
"Can we invite this person to join us? I think their a friend of the person I'm covering" She whispered in your ear.

You turned your head to Evelyn, eyebrows raised in slight shock. 
"Sure?" You muttered.
You turned your attention back to everyone else, a conversation began between Sun and the person who interrupted karaoke.

"I think it'd be rude if we left this place unclean after we used it" Sun mentioned.

"That checks out. When I look in your eyes, I see a very kind soul so I trust you" The stranger said.

"Ah hah well... Th-thank you" Sun stumbled on his words.

"Hey uh... you?" You paused, realizing you didn't catch a name.

"Luc, call me Luc" Luc finished for you.

"Luc, would you like to join us in karaoke? You seem cool" You asked. 

You saw Sun and Moon turn their heads to you, giving you a quizzical look. Luc put a hand to his chin, looking up while thinking of a response. You took the chance to look at Sun and Moon, nodding your head towards Evelyn to signal it was her idea. 

"Sure, sounds fun! I got nothing better to do anyways, I just finished my shift here" Luc answered.
Luc entered the room fully, sitting down next to Evelyn.
"Oh wait.. I didn't ask for your name, but I'm sure it's as beautiful/handsome as you are" Luc mentioned. 

"I'm Y/n" You replied, your face heating up slightly, "and that's Evelyn, Sun, and Moon" You pointed to everyone. One after another, they all waved at Luc.

"Who's going up next?" Sun asked.

"How about Evelyn? I'm curious on what she sounds like when she sings" You pipped up. 

"M-me?! I can't possibly- I mean... A-are you sure I..." Evelyn fumbled around with her words, looking everywhere but never at anyone's eyes. 

"C'mon, you seem like you would have a nice singing voice" Luc added.

Evelyn looked at Luc, a blush forming on her face from the compliment. Evelyn let out a shaky breath before standing up. Evelyn grabbed the remote and chose her song.

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