Chapter 2: New Employee

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 l/n = Last name


(POV y/n)
Last Chapter:
I smiled and followed her to another room full of Freddy and ganged merch and a table. I clutched onto my shirt for comfort. Delilah sat down in a chair and I followed after her.

"So" She began "let's begin"
(Disclaimer: Idk how jobs work-)

Delilah pulled out some papers and a pen she was holding onto the table. I gulped and started clutching the fabric of my pants in anticipation as she flipped some papers.
"Alrighty, just to confirm you are y/n l/n, you're phone number is 123-456-7890, and you're applying for Daycare manager." She asked, I nodded and gave a weak smile. "Now for the question portion, how well do you work with children?"

"I work well with children, I've done multiple babysitting jobs and even a course option in high school for dealing with kids" I replied.
"tell me more about this course option" Delilah said whilst writing something down.

"Well I uhm-I was a student-teacher for this 4th grade teacher, he did the lessons and I would supervise the children to make sure non were passing letters, I also did supervision during lunch" I said trying to make my voice not shake as much. Delilah nodded, she paused before asking the next question. "How well do you work under pressure?" She asked. 'oh no, be cool y/n, she doesn't have to know how much of a dumbass you are under pressure' I thought.

"I work well under pressure" I replied, Delilah looked up and gave me a judgmental look. 'oh no'

"Do you have first aid training? CPR? Helmick Maneuver?" She asked
"Uhm yes, yes aaaand yes" I replied  

Delilah handed me a paper "We need your size for your uniform, please fill it out" She smiled at me.
"w-wait does this mean I'm... I'm hired..?" I ask in surprise. 
"heh yeah, welcome to the management crew y/n!" Delilah said.
I filled the form to my size in excitement and handed it to Delilah. I bounced my leg in anticipation.
"Thank you, and so you know you will be working with two others, Sun and Moon, they'll be waiting in the daycare tomorrow. Everyday your shift starts at 5am before the mall opens at 6am, that way you and Moon, who's shift starts in the morning as well, may prepare for the kids. Your shift ends at 9pm. You have been assigned to Dorm D4, every employee has a dorm in which you can use if you'd like. Please do note that the mall doors close at 12am and the security guards are told that anyone outside their dorms will get a warning, 10 warnings will result in getting fired."
"I assume it for security reasons?" I asked
"yes, you'll receive a map and schedule in the mornings before your shift starts via email. Tomorrow you will meet me at the statue again where I will give you an employee pass, we will spend the first half of the day touring around the mall, then the second half will be you with Sun and Moon, they will explain how your schedule will work and what they need help with." Delilah stated.
"wow.... Thats a lot to take in.." I said "I won't let you down!"
Delilah smiled "I hope so, your uniform will be shipped out to you tonight or if you'd like I can give it to you now."
"If you could give it to me now that'd be great..." I said.
"No problem, follow me"

I followed Delilah to another room called the costume room, there were many cabinets with different employee suits. We reached the Manager section and she handed me my size.
"Aaaaaaalright aaaaand- here we go! Here"

"Aaaaaaalright aaaaand- here we go! Here"

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