Chapter 4: Getting To Know The Place

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(POV y/n)
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I glanced at Sun through my peripheral and he seemed stiff. Sun was giving off weird energy, or it could just be me.
"Welcome to the Daycare, y/n" Moon said.
"Thank you..?" I replied.
"My shift doesn't start until another... eehhhh two hours or so, Sun is still busy so what do you say if we hang out, y/n?" Moon asked as he took my right hand and pulled me towards him. Sun grabbed my left hand and tried pulling me out of Moons grip, but Moon still held my right hand.
"What? No! Y/n has to explore the Daycare so they can get an understanding of their job" Sun protested as he kept pulling me towards him. 'Sun does have a point' I thought. Moon started pulling back.
"C'mon Sun, don't be so uptight. It's only y/n's first day. Let loose a little won't you?" Moon yelled back. 'Moon also has a point too'. Soon enough they were pulling me back and forth while arguing who I should stay with, my arms where getting sore being tossed around like a toy. 'This was funny at first, but now its getting tiring'. 
"How about no one?" I pipped up.
They both stopped pulling me.
"I want to find my dorm, that way when closing time arrives I won't get a warning." I said.
Sun and Moon looked at each other for a moment. Sun let go of my hand and crossed his arms while huffing, Moon let go of me too and put his hands to his sides.

"That is reasonable but" Moon began "Do you know your way around yet? The mall is big and this is your first day"
"Uuh.... Well yes but actually no" I said with a nervous smile.
"Well how about this, I go with y/n to help them find their dorm and once we find it y/n comes back and hangs out with you for the remainder of your shift." Moon added.
Sun seemed to agree and with a huff he turned away. Moon immediately grabbed me and practically ran out of the  Daycare. 
"Oh ho ho, we're going to have so much fun without sun" Moon said practically shouting the last part.
"Whoa whoa w-wait slow down!" I fumbled on my words as I got dragged along, again.
"Sorry but I've been working with Sun for quite a while now and if you're not fast enough he'll change his mind" Moon apologized as we walked up the stairs. I made sure to keep up with his pace so I wouldn't fall. We made it to the Daycare entrance where Pepper was, I waved at him before Moon yanked me out of the Daycare lounge. As we made it to an employee door that led to the back stage halls I tried making some small talk, "So um... do you... also.. wear stilts to make you taller?" I asked slightly wincing in how awkward it sounded. 
"Yeah, all the better to see people like you" Moon replied.
'what does that mean?' I wondered.

Walking down the halls it felt so awkward. It was deathly silent. Moon stopped walking and I bumped into him. I rubbed my forehead sine it took most of the impact. Moon turned around towards me and looked very anxious.
"As much as I'd like to take you to your dorm, not for any weird reasons just to help, I don't know what number it is" Moon nervously sighed.
"Oh I need to get it from my email" I laughed as I pulled out my phone. "Dorm D4"
"Oh really? That's in-between Sun and I's room" Moon said surprised .
Moon began walking and I followed behind, taking note of any possible landmarks. 

After walking for a bit we reached a hallway full of dorms, some decorated with names of other employees. we stopped between two dorms, dorm D3, dorm D4, and dorm D5. Dorm 3 had a bunch sun's on it with the name tag "Sunny" on it. Dorm 5 had moons and stars on it with the name tag "Moony" with the "Y" being scribbled on by a marker. 'These are obviously Sun and Moon's room... And I'm between them. Lord strike me down now' I thought. I opened my dorm with the keys I've been given earlier while on tour and took a step inside. It was quite spacious. The floor was checkered and was nicely polished, there was a desk near the left corner and a closet on the side near the desk. On the opposite side of the closet was a door which was slightly opened, it looked like there was a bathroom in there. The light was bright but not bright enough to hurt, just to light up the room. I took in the room before checking out the bathroom. The bathroom was the same with white square tile floors and a shower on the right of the door. The sink and toilet were on the left, a cabinet sitting on top of the sink. 'It's a lot bigger than I thought' I said to myself, slightly laughing at my own comment.
"What's got you laughing, y/n? It's pretty cute" Moon asked as he came up from behind me.
I jumped and quickly turned around looking at moon practically towering over me.
"Geez- sorry you scared me, I was just so focused on the room." I stated, trying to catch my breath slightly from the heart attack.
Moon looked at his watch and then at me.
"Well we should get back, I'm sure Sun is impatiently waiting for you" Moon said.
I nodded in agreement as I tried getting out the door before being stopped by Moon. 
"Umph- again?" I whispered to myself "Moon?"
"Hm? Oh my bad, my bad. You're just- the lighting looked good is all" he apologized while moving out of the way.

Moon and I left my dorm and made our way back to the Daycare. On our way back Moon kept asking questions like "Where do you come from?" and other stuff to get to know me. I felt a bit weird at first but along the way I also got to know Moon. Like how Moon and Sun have a love-hate relationship and they've been working together for almost a year now from a different location.

"Sun and I worked at an acrobatic entertainment industry that did shows for family. A few Fazbear workers came up to Sun first and asked him to join them. But by then Sun had latched onto me so he denied them. Him and I argued for a bit because he let down a huge opportunity. So behind his back I accepted the job  for him, but on one condition" Moon said
"What was the condition?" I asked.
We reached the Daycare lounge once again and started descending down the stairs.
"I'll tell you later, I have to get the nursery ready for naptime" Moon said. 
"Darn, fair enough. You don't need help?" I asked.
"No, wouldn't want to waste your time" Moon replied.
I smiled and waved goodbye to Moon as I entered the Daycare doors. Sun was at some kiddie tables drawing with others kids beside him doing arts and crafts. I walked towards them and tapped on his shoulder. He looked up at me and jumped up towards me. 
"Oh y/n, you're back!" He said as he tackle hugged me, nearly taking me down. "Moon didn't disturb you did he?"
"No no, Moon was very helpful actually" I replied back.
Sun pulled away an looked very confused at that statement.

Then a sudden commotion from the kids pulled our attention. Two kids were arguing and throwing crayons at each other. Sun started to panic. 
"Friend friends! Fighting is not allowed!" he said frantically.
But the two kids weren't listening, they kept throwing crayons at one another. 'How have they not run out of ammunition?' I wondered. I looked behind them and saw Ryn, the ball pit counter from earlier, picking the crayons up and putting them back in the cups they came from, in turn giving the two infinite things to throw. I watched Ryn picking the crayons up and I saw a small boy trying to keep up with her. Her friend was desperately trying to catch up with her. It. Was. Chaos. I quickly walked up to one of the kids fighting and picked one kid up. The other kid was picked up by Sun and Ryn was still cleaning up. Once everything settled we figured out who started the fight. Daniel and Morris were the culprits behind the disaster. Daniel called Morris's drawing ugly and Morris started defending her drawing by scribbling over over Daniels. Daniel retaliated by throwing crayons at Morris and the fight began. Daniel and Morris got sent into time out for a while and the other kids continued drawing and crafting. 
Sun and I sat by the security desk and Sun apologized for the commotion.
"But hey you handled that really well!" Sun praised me.
I laughed as I looked away. 
"Wait what time is it?" I asked.
"Its only 2 something" Sun replied.
I slumped down to the floor while groaning.
'Today will be longer than I thought' 

~●○°●○°●○~ Time Skip ~●○°●○°●○~

It was now 3pm and it was time for Moons shift. We took the kids to another room labeled "The Superstar Nursery" and opened its doors. When I stepped in the room was dimly light by some black lights and some bubble tube pillars

 When I stepped in the room was dimly light by some black lights and some bubble tube pillars

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There were sleeping bags laid out in rows so the children could sleep in. The floor was made of foam so it was comfortable to sleep in. The kids walked past me staring in awe and laid down in the sleeping bags. Some kids moved their sleeping bags to a bubble pillar that had some fishes in it and some stayed in their spots. I looked to the other side of the room and there were foam stairs that led to a small foam play area. It looked like a sensory room but labeled a nursery.
'This really is a child's dream' I thought to myself
"Well I have to go clean the Daycare up for the children when they wake up. Have fun you two" Sun said as he waved goodbye. 
And with that, Sun closed the doors and I was left alone with Moon and a roomful of cranky children. 
'This was not in the job discretion' I groaned internally.

..••°°°°••.. A/N ..••°°°°••..

I tried something new and made it longer
Total word count: 1707 words


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