Chapter 38: Twists and Knots

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A/n: Swearing

Mental health be down into the pits of hell, lil nas here I come (pls get that joke).

New character?

(POV Y/n)
You were chatting with Sun by the security desk as the kids played. Someone entered the Daycare through the wooden doors. Sun peeked behind you to see who it was.
"Oh- hiya there! Haven't seen you since the lockdown" Sun called out.
You felt a hand lightly grip your shoulder.
"Sorry but I can't stay and chat. Y/n, outside. Now" Someone said, it sounded like...

"Sorry but I can't stay and chat. Y/n, outside. Now" Someone said, it sounded like Kas. 

You turned to see Kas giving you a very serious face. You immediately got a bad feeling. Kas let go of your shoulder and began walking away, you assumed he wanted you to follow.

Taking off Moon's hat and passing it to Sun, you quickly jogged up next to Kas. 

"Did I do something wrong?" You asked, you sounded more desperate than you wanted to.

"We're about to see" Kas replied dryly.

Kas opened the Daycare doors and held them open for you, waiting for you to exit. Once you were in front of him he closed the doors. 

"I know this is stupid to ask but.. You remember when you found Gregory?" Kas asked shyly.

You nodded. Kas sighed while running his hand through his hair, pulling it back.

"The guy who kidnapped Gregory has been caught, as you know, but he's acting strange. When they caught him they asked me to come down to the station and he's deny everything, his story is off" Kas explained, "saying he got possessed and crazy stuff"

"Heh, weird" You nervously said. 

"Because he's deny everything the police need your witness testimony. You also have to confirm that the guy they caught is the right person" Kas continued. 

"So I have to leave the Daycare?" You asked.

Kas nodded.
"This whole thing is messed up. Like, c'mon, possessed? Hahah, that's the strangest thing I've been told all day! There's no way that guy was taken over by a murderous ghost who's been killing and kidnapping kids since the creation of the Freddy Fazbear Entertainment's history" Kas laughed. 

You nervously laughed as well.

"Go tell your co-worker you're going for a bit" Kas nodded his head towards the Daycare.

You gave a thumbs up as you entered the Daycare, you quickly spotted Sun talking with a little girl. The small child was showing Sun her drawing. The girl had brunette-red hair, but with the Daycare lights shining down her hair seemed to change color the closer you got.

"Hey Sun, I need to go for a bit. Kas says they need me at the police station" You said. 

Sun looked up from the drawing the little girl gave him.

"Oh, when will you be back?" Sun questioned.

"I'm not sure" you answered.

"Ahem" The girl cleared her throat, "Sundrop, can you show Mx. Y/n the drawing I made? It has them in it too after all!" The girl said, she looked up at you with her blue and brown eyes. It made you nervous since you kept looking at both eyes. 

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