🎃Halloween Special!🎃

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Hey! Juan here. This was written early in preparation for Halloween so excuse any missing lore stuff. My plan is to post this during/ a day before Halloween so we'll see how it goes. I'm sure future me will be fine, right?  (Oct. 18)

I wanna cry (Oct. 31st)

»»————- 🍬👻🎃👻🍬 ————-««
Pov: Y/n 2nd Person Narration

You had been getting the Daycare ready with Sun when Moon rushed in.

"Sun! Sun!" Moon called out, a paper in his hand.

Sun stopped stacking some foam blocks and walked up to Moon.

"Moon! Moon! What's the rush?" Sun asked.

"I have the best idea ever. Halloween is coming and we should do a haunted house" Moon suggested.

"A haunted house? Here? But we take care of kids, won't they get scared?" You asked.

"Y/n has a point, wouldn't want a repeat of the 'boogie man' incident" Sun added.

Moon crossed his arms.
"First of all, that was a mistake. Second of all, who said it had to be full out scary? Just dim the lights and have a few fake props" Moon said.

Sun began looking around.
"We do have a lot of space to work with... And it'd be nice to do something different" Sun thought. 

"We could also have other people join" You added.

"Who would we have help?" Moon asked.

You shrugged, not have thought that far.
"I could ask around" You replied. 

"I'll start up a plan for what props we can have and how they can be made" Sun stated, heading towards the crafting table for drawing supplies.

Moon handed Sun the paper before he left, it looked like it had a lost with some blue prints of ideas.

"What do you say? Y/n?" Moon asked.

"I'm on board, I'll print out papers to put around the plex" You replied, walking towards the security desk.

"And I'll... I'll.. Huh, what do I do now?" Moon muttered to himself.


You had printed out flyers with the information on them. You had when it was, where it was, and for who it was. As you taped some flyers up on the main entrances billboard you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned around.

"A haunted house huh? Well color me rainbow, it's at the Daycare no less" Kas said, looking at the flyer.

A/n: I couldn't NOT do it, cmon

"Hey Kas! Yeah, it's a new thing" You replied.

"How are you going to make props? I don't think you'll make them scary so kids aren't terrified, but not bad where it's boring for older kids" Kas asked.

"Sun's working on that but we're stuck on what material we'll use" You answered.

"I can help, if you need it. I'm actually really good with my hands" Kas paused, "take that however you want" Kas chuckled.

"In that case, do you want to go to the Daycare? I'm sure Sun would love some help!" You stated. 

"Sounds great, I got a couple of ideas already" Kas gave you a thumbs up, "I'll be there later"

You went back to putting up the rest of the flyers. You looked back down, you still had a bit more left. You wondered where else you could put them, you had so many options. Fazerblast, Monty golf, Roxy raceway, Chica's bakery, this list was long.

Sun/Moon x readerWhere stories live. Discover now