S2 Chapter 1: Surprise After Surprise

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Ayyyeee, Juan here. How are you horny simps doing hm? It's been a good 2 or 3 months since I last wrote, my bad. Couldn't do much with the shitty computer I had so I got a new one! I can write chapters without it crashing ever hour!

I didn't just sit on my ass and do nothing, oh no no no I planned (roughly) how this book will end and the events leading up to it (and maybe an open ending so your *very* imaginative minds can fill in with). 

There's a bit of  gap between what I wrote and what luc wrote so I'mma just fill in the blanks and mark where Luc started writing. Also L/n= Luc notes and J/n (A/n)=Juan notes, just saw the first two L/N as of writing this and we're in for a ride.


(POV Y/n)
You arrived to the small costumer help desk and leaned against the counter. You subconsciously looked at your watch. It was mid-afternoon. You began tapping your foot. A costumer service worker came by and began organizing something under the desk. You turned to them.

"Excuse me? I'm Y/n and I was called down" You asked as sweetly as you could.

The worker stood up. A tired looking teen with goth makeup stood before you, looking as if they were ready to just go home.

"Mmm yeaaahh, the people who called you down where just here, give it a few minutes" They answered plainly, going back down to organize whatever they were doing.

You bit the inside of your cheek.

"Heeey! There's my ol' sport!" A familiar male voice called out.

You immediately knew who it was. Internally groaning, you turned around to look at...

"Dad?!" You blurted out in surprise.

Your dad put his arms out in a hug and began walking towards you. You backed up slightly but your dad kept walking forwards. He then gave you a bear hug, you struggled to take in air.

"Oh for goodness sake d/n, let them breathe!" Your mom said

Your dad let you go, not after patting you hard on your back. You nervously smiled at them.

"What are you two doing here?" You asked.

"We can't see our own kid?" Your dad asked, putting a hand over his heart while pretending to be hurt.

You rolled your eyes playfully. 

"We're here to come see how you are. There's been a lot of news coverage about that rogue employee we just needed to see if you were okay!" Your mom responded.

"Mom, dad, I'm fine. Luckily I had friends who helped me stay safe. Besides, why didn't you call instead?" You asked.

Your dad rubbed the back of his neck nervously while looking away. Your mom shook her head in disappointment.

"Your father here dropped his phone in water and it's being repaired as of now. We decided to play it safe and come see you in person" Your mom answered.

'Typical' You thought.

J/n: get it? Bc boomers- ok 

"I can't stay here for long, work is pretty busy as of now so I better get back-" You began. 

"Oh yes of course, we wouldn't want to interrupt your work. We'll go home.. After playing Gator golf!" You dad cut you off.

"Your dad also wanted an excuse to play" You mom chuckled.

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