Chapter 9: What a Surprise

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A/N: Lots of different POV's here so just a heads up

(POV y/n)

Last Chapter:
"Right, lets get to the security office and clear your name, Y/n" Moon said, not even looking at me.

I felt my headache growing worse.

You sighed as Moon, Carley, and you made your way to the nearest security office. Your only hope of being proved innocent is the security footage and that they have good quality. As you walked behind Carley, it felt as if you were doing a walk of shame. Your thoughts began to wander. Carley gave a vague answer as to why she hates you. She reminded you of a narcissist, a really bad narcissist. She had Moon on her side but her stories didn't added up from any perspective but hers. You wondered if Moon saw it that way too. 'Maybe that's why Moon is helping me?'. You began to feel bold after reciting a question you held to yourself.

"Carley, why did you wait so long to 'report' me?" You asked, hoping to catch her off guard.

There was a pause before she spoke.
"I-I couldn't leave yet, I was still on the clock" She replied.

'That doesn't make much sense' you thought. 'I need to catch her in a lie'

"What does your inhaler even look like?" You asked.

"You of all people should know what it looks like, since you stole it" Carley scoffed at you.

'That's an even worse answer'

As you turned corners you felt your headache grow worse, and another feeling you couldn't put your finger on.

You all made it to the security room, one of many. It was small, filled with coffee cups on the desk, multiple computer screens. Loose wires and streamers hung from the ceiling. There were windows on the side, dirty, very dirty. Someone was sitting in a chair in front of a computer. Moon convinced the worker watching the cameras to help. The worker was reluctant but gave in. As Moon and the worker, who you later figured out was named Nick, began to rewind back to 3pm. You leaned on the wall in the back of the room, furious beyond belief. 

"Y/n get over here, you need to point out who you are in the video" Moon said.

You got up with a huff and made your way to the small computer screen everyone was crowded around. You quickly found yourself, although it was hard to see The video was in black in white and fuzzy.

'Of course the quality is horrible'

You watched yourself on the screen walking into the kitchen looking for something. Carley entered the cameras field of vision holding a box. The conversation ensues, with crusty audio. You zoned out the conversation. You felt a hand on your shoulder, Moon was holding onto you while he watched the video. You were mad that he took Carley's side.

"I know you're mad at me, but try to see it from my perspective, y/n" Moon whispered to you.

You put your head down and waited for the video to finish.


"Whelp" Nick said while clapping his hands, "that's the end of that."

Moon sighed in relief while Carley was screaming about something.

"Y/n didn't steal it, End. Of. Story." Moon stated.

"Where else could it be?!" Carley screamed, she sounded like a toddler.

"Don't know, don't care" You said.

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