Chapter 5: Y/n?

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(POV y/n)
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"Well I have to go clean the Daycare up for the children when they wake up. Have fun you two" Sun said as he waved goodbye.
And with that, Sun closed the doors and I was left alone with Moon and a roomful of cranky children.
'This was not in the job discerption' I groaned internally.
I turned to Moon who was already tucking some children in.
"How does this usually go?" I asked.
"With some kids crying about not wanting to go to sleep, and some kids going out like a lightbulb. Those are the ones I tuck in first" Moon replied.
I looked around and saw some kids already asleep so I went over to pull the sleeping bag closer to them. As I got up I felt a hand grab my ankle which made me flinch slightly, I looked down to see a kid holding my ankle on the verge of tears. I gave a quick sigh of relief before bending down and sitting on the floor next to the kid. Once I sat down two other kids moved their sleeping bags closer to me, The kid from earlier and the others laid their heads on my lap and I froze. 'Wait what do I do???' I panicked. I looked for Moon but he was no where to be seen. I looked back at the kids and started rubbing their heads hoping it would make them go to sleep faster. It didn't take long before two of the three kids fell asleep. I gently laid them down but one kid was still awake. I picked the last kid up and held them in my arms, swaying slightly. I felt the kid go limp from sleep. 
"Uuh... how do I put this kid back down without waking them up?" I whispered to myself.

I felt a pair of hands touch my shoulder before making their way in front of me and taking the sleeping kid from my grasp. Moon put the kid in their sleeping bag without waking the kid up.
"I've been doing this for a while now, I got the hang of it. I'm sure you will too" Moon whispered.

Once we made sure all the kids were asleep we went to a desk by the entrance. Moon pulled up a chair for me.  When I sat at the desk I noticed the Sun and Moon figurines. on the desk, a small lamp that made star shaped lighting on the ceiling. There were extra blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, and stuffed animals underneath the desk (Only the Glamrocks and of Sun and Moon).

"You going to tell me more about the story from earlier?" I asked looking up after inspecting the desk.
"Hmm... Depends" Moon replied.
"Depends if I get something out of it~" Moon said as he leaned slightly closer to me, he seemed like he was up to something.
I decided to match his energy. I rolled my eyes and mentally sighed. 'Might as well match his energy'
"Well what do you want? Hm?" I replied back with the same vibe.
"Hmmm..." Moon thought for a moment.

Moon opened his mouth but the doors were opened, cutting him off.
"Kill joy" Moon mumbled upon seeing Sun at the door.

Sun peeked his head inside and scanned the room. Most likely getting used to the sudden light change. He spotted me and Moon and quickly walked over. Maybe it was the dim lighting but Sun seemed a bit mad. Once he got over to the small desk Moon and I were sitting at and leaned against it slightly. 

"Sorry Moony but can I borrow y/n? You two doesn't seem like you're doing anything" Sun said.
"Moony?" I turned to Moon with a confused look. 
"Tch... Its a nickname Sunny repeatedly insist on calling me" Moon grumbled out, he seemed embarrassed by the nickname.
I looked over to Sun who was smirking.
"Right well I need y/n for... Manager stuff. It was in their job description that they need to help restock snacks, make sure any lost toys are put in the Lost-And-Found bin, and other manager duties" Sun said giddily. 
"Whatever... You can have them" Moon hissed out. 
I got up but was briefly stopped by Moon grabbing my hand gently.
"But y/n, before you go" Moon began.
"Hm?" I hummed out.

"The 'depends' offer is still out there if you want to take the chance~☆" Moon mentioned with a mischievous tone.  
My face turned a light shade of pink, thankfully unsaleable due to the dark lighting, my nervous laugh was less concealable. 
'I'll think about it" I smiled softly. 

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