03 📞 laughing matters

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏



"Oh, it's you"

"Yeah, it's me. The one you owe some money from that order. Not happy to hear from me?"


"That's not fair. I payed for your midnight snack just because you wanted an apology"

"That was just for your own sake because you wouldn't want to offend a girl before she haunt and kill you, remember?"

"At least you could have pretended to be happy"

"No one would be happy to hear from an idiot who called for the second time at 2 am, only to scream at my ears and disturbed me from my deep slumber!"

"Hey! That was just one mistake!"

"And what I personally think that you're the epitome of mistakes. I fear that you might have left your house once with different shoes"


"Wait, what? You actually did!"

"I was just in a hurry, what can I do?"


"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it all up. I wish you would choke on your burger and die"

"It's actually delicious"

"And you better thank me for that"

"Have you ever consider that I need a bucket of chicken for me to thank you?"


"Where's that damn drink - *gurgles*..."

[ beeps ]

"She hung up on me again while laughing and I think she really might've choked"

Loco At Midnight Calls ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU Where stories live. Discover now