16 📞 q and a

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

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"Stop calling me that before I really prove that I'm one!"

"Did your mom already roasted your ass in the backyard?"

"Nah! Thank god, she was busy with her guests a.k.a the plastic neighbors with their fake scary smiles"

"I want to know more about you"

"There's really nothing special to know about me other than the fact that I'm a girl and currently breathing properly right now"

"I would love to know the simple facts about you"

"I am just your normal unlikable girl that every teachers despises and every student grew afraid of"

"Why are they afraid of you?"

"I don't know maybe because of my resting bitch face or maybe because of the fact that I once grabbed a girl's hair so harshly, it actually break off from her head and now she have to wear a wig"

"Why'd you do something like that?"

"She messed with one of my friends"

"Your friends seems really close to you"

"They're all good people to me"

"Your favorite hobby?"

"Singing in the bathroom"

"Favorite past time?"

"Pulling pranks and planning revenge onto some useless people"

"Favorite colors"

"Black and white"


"What the hell is this? Twenty questions?"

"Sort of"

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

"It would be unfair if you will not share something and I did"

"I am just your normal friendly guy in the neighborhood"

"What are you? Spiderman?"

"I did not say that!"

"Yes, you did"

"Do not!"

"You do!"

"I do not!"

"You do!"

"I do not and that's final!"

"Oh really? Then tell me why Sunoo said you used to dance in some girl group song and that you actually look cute in your long hair back when you were a kid-"

[ beeps ]

"Looks like I wound his ego by just saying he's cute? Is he really cute?"

Loco At Midnight Calls ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU Where stories live. Discover now