10 📞 just a bet

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

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"You seem in a better mood. What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing"

"The way you are doing that small evil laugh again, I would say it's not just nothing"

"I just accomplished something"

"Say what?"

"I got my revenge!"

"On who? And most importantly, why?"

"Firstly, I got my revenge on my ex-boyfriend, Samuel and secondly well, you would have already guessed by now because he cheated on me. This face and he still cheated"

"All this time you're talking to me while you had a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, but I'm happy it's finally over! He probably went home to his momma crying"

"What did he do?"

"As I said, I found him cheating on me a week ago and I knew that one day or another it was going to happen because let's face it, a popular soccer player will not stick around to the most rebellious girl in the school. I knew they just bet on me, but I didn't do anything because I want to do my very sweet, poisonus revenge on him for breaking my bestfriend's heart last month!"

"Whoa! I never expected something like that!"

"What can I say? My life is a freaking bad rollercoaster ride!"

"So what did you do?"

"For a starters, I threw all his soccer uniforms down a canal and put some chili powder in some of his newly bought underwear when I sneaked in their house, and after that, I spray painted his locker at the school gym in a bright neon color in the art of a d*ck because he is one and kicked him down there with my boots"

"Damn. Remind me not to get on your bad sides"

"Remember that"

"If you already knew that it was all just a bet, why did you cry?"

"Oh, it was all just an act in front of my mom, so she wouldn't ground me and will take my side over that fucktard"

"You're a freaking genius!"

"I already know that"

"Conceited much?"

"What a jerk"

"What a bitch"



"Why killer?"

"You did threatened to kill me in a lot of different ways!"

"I did not threatened you. It was a warning. Bye Riki"

[ beeps ]

"This time she didn't hang up on me and she actually said bye, well, that's a good thing, I guess?"

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