38 📞 loco midnight call

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Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"Walked in, smooth operator hit your mark
I'm gettin' LOCO LOCO
Oh gosh, pure shot of poison to my heart
I'm gettin' LOCO LOCO"


"I'm trapped and there's no way out
Surrounded by my thoughts of ya
I think I'm a little obsessed
I feel like I was born to love ya"


"Hey, give me an applause here. I just gave you a performance. And I still hate you for getting me into trouble at dinner though"

"And I hate you for waking me up at four in the morning"

"I don't even care that my phone kinda ruined my dinner, I'm just mad because of my bitch of an aunt and my distant of a cousin that's not Heeseung. They're from the side of my dad. They were complaining and being whiny about my phone ringing and got me into trouble"


"Like bitch, come here so I can smack this phone across your face!"

"It's always the distant relatives that caused so much drama. That's freaking present in every family. I hate them"

"To be honest, there's no other drama than some good old family drama. The highschool drama could never!"

"Speaking of highschool.."

"What about highschool?"

"Coming from our last conversation a couple days ago, I just want to know where school do you go"

"About that.."

"Hmn.. Go on"

"I mean, my cousin doesn't really share so much about you but Sunoo did and I kinda know that our school is just so close at each other"

"What school? There's two school close to mine"

"Why would you want to know?"

"So that I can visit for a surprise in case you decide to cheat on me"

"Aww, Riki don't worry about such a thing. As for Sunoo, he said that you're a lonely weirdo and jackas -"

"I OBJECT! That's certainly not true at all!"

"Just messing with you, Riki baby! Geez, you act like you're a full time lawyer about to sue me. But you never mentioned that you were the best dancer in your school and one of the golden boy when it comes to sports!"

"No, I'm quite far from that actually"

"You don't have to be humble around me, baby Riki"

"No, really I'm not. I guess I just enjoy doing those things and even though I'm quite popular to girls there, I only fall for someone that does not even go to my school"

"But darling, you are the only exception to me at being the best. You made me crazy for you. Come on, let's sing with me.. Such a rush, you're making me lose my mind
You got me like CRAY-CRAY-CRAZY in love, What you doing to me -"

"I think the best thing for you is to stick with what you do best, which is talking"

"Ack, please! I bet you can't even sing good as well!"

"Not true, I have a voice too and even though it's not my greatest strength like dancing, but at least I don't put people into misery and leading them to their own deaths because of my voice"

"Whatever, baby"

"Before you forgot, don't you ever look at the yearbook of your cousin to see what I look like in there"

"Hah! Jokes on you, I already cut it off to put in the back of my phone case!"

"That's unfair! Give me one too!"


"You won't be laughing soon once I get to know where you go to school at. Mark my words, Y/N!"

"Good luck to that!"

"I'm going to ask every single person in your school to see who's their rebellious girl"

"I'd like to see you try"

"Oh, I will"

"Okay bye!"

[ beeps ]

"Why does she always get to hang up on me?"

Loco At Midnight Calls ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU Where stories live. Discover now