67 📞 baby talks

649 51 4

Bold - Ni-ki

Italic - You

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"Riki baby?"

"Killer baby?"



"Do you fucking mind?"

"Shit! I thought we were about to get competitive at calling names! What the hell did I do wrong?"

"Hmn.. Let's evaluate, shall we? Perhaps we should start with the fact you called me at midnight last week and dropped such a shocking revelation about what you told your mom while I was trying to tell you an incredibly important news?"

"I don't recall doing any such things"

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, being a sweet boyfriend and all, but unintentionally hanging up on my rather too distant girlfriend"

"Are you sure, Nishimura Riki? Because in the whole week you didn't call, I don't think I went to school without my eyes looking obvious that it lacked sleep. Now who is the distant one again?"

"Okay, I'm sorry.. I mean I had been busy and Jay hyung had accidentally sat on my phone, it broke under his thick booty. I had to buy a new one"

"You...! Oh my god, I don't have time for your fascination with his ass. We need to do this later. I have to tell you something big"

"Why do you sound so serious?"

"Because it serious, my little Riki! It's been eating in my rotting brain for seven days and my world was still shaken!"

"I don't think you have a lot of brain to begin with..."


"Jesus Christ, Y/N! What is it? For God's sake, don't keep me waiting"

"My mom's pregnant"

"She's what?"

"She's pregnant, Riki. And for the first time in my life, I'll be a sister"

"But I mean, who is the father?"

"My dad. Can you fucking believe it?"

"Are you sure? Maybe she was just having some weird symptons of any illness and that it was all a false -"

"I'm sure. We're sure. I saw the pregnancy test"

"How's your mom then?"

"She was over the moon. I honestly think I've never seen her happier like this"

"Oh.. But what about your dad? Does he already know?"

"It's up to her whether she would let him know or not. I was just happy I'll be a sister after being an only child for centuries"

"Well, what do you feel right now about him?"

"Pain, anger, hurt, betrayal but at the same time longing for a father"


"I - I don't know. Some fucked part of me wished he would be here. For that baby to meet a father at least"


"Oh I know it's too big of a wish, Riki, I know! But I just... listen I know you're angry at him for making me cry, but please stay with me? I'm a fucking emotional wreck!"

"Of course, I'll stay with you.. even in forever"

"Forever? Does that exist?"

"Nevermind. Just remember that I'm here for you. I'll stay as long as you need"

"Thank you, Riki. Seriously"

"Yeah. No problem. I could even help with the baby"


"I have a little sister remember? I had been there for my mom when she's pregnant and you know what?"

"Tell me all about it"

"Seeing a baby in a nursery at her first day in the world is the most uplifting feeling, it's like a sudden weight was lifted off your chest at the sight of her"

"Is that how you feel about Sola?"

"And when she first hold my finger with her tiny hand, the world has never been the same since for me"


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tmi - seeing a baby on their first day at the world is really an unexplainable feelings. when i saw my little cousin before, god, i've never move on how such a life could be so beautiful in her first look at your eyes.. 🥺

Loco At Midnight Calls ⚊ Enhypen Ni-ki Text AU Where stories live. Discover now