Chapter 2

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We had just gotten home. Me and Toga were talking the entire time, even as we talked to mom. I guess my multitasking brain was just that good at intaking, recording and responding to information, well, unless I get too carried away with worriedness like with Toga or kacchan.

Me and Toga had decided to find out a few things, with me testing any and all abilities we might have.

This mainly came down to me going onto quirkmedia online. It gave a basic list of quirks and how to better yourself at controlling them. Using this, we found out the versatility of my quirk. I had regeneration, discovered when Toga cut our arm to get me out of our body so I can be the skin suit again.

It appeared she wasn't as analytical as I was, as I already covered us when she wasn't bleeding. Still, it was a good test. Next, the powers I figured out through quirkmedia, were invisibility, minor electrokinesis. Technopathy or more accurately a connection to technology when I insert a tendril like a usb hard drive. Which also brings up my body manipulation, I can make tendrils, extra limbs, weapons, and more. I also have super strength and speed, however not durability, as we punched a whole the size of minnesota in our stomach accidentally.

That wasn't good, but on the brightside, it helped me realize the extent of our regeneration. It was strong enough to heal us from just about anything, and a danger alarm in my head range before it happened. Much less a direct telling us of danger, but more of a feeling. We'll have to learn to react to it better.

Now with a fairly decent amount of understanding with our powers, we head out for our first fight with villainy.

Only problem. Villains are extremely hard to come by and defeat quickly, as a pro-hero would soon be on the case.

So, beginning to get overly frustrated, along with Toga, I decided to go onto social media platforms and scan all forms of media with super heroes in them and identify their location, and the time the photos and then cross referenced that with news reports and the super hero organization website showing where they patrol for my city along with found places where crimes often occur, and when all these things happen as well.

This all happened in a few minutes and the information was still in my head 15 minutes later. Proving to me that I now have a perfect memory. I remember everything I intake now.

I end up going to an abandoned part of town, showing to me that heroes are much more glory hogs than we previously thought they were. Not many people lived here and yet crimes committed in the very full and high quality city were caused because of preparation and planning from villains here.

So, I wait. It didn't take long before I saw someone. A criminal, I'm almost sure of it. He was carrying a duffle bag. I could see white dust on the edge of the bag. Most likely a drug dealer. I follow him, until he enters an abandoned apartment complex.

I carefully enter the apartment, invisibly. I follow them. Eventually, I see a large group of people, and if they're here, then they're most likely criminals, especially the fact that a few of them are carrying guns.

As such, we attack. Our hands shift into claws, and tendrils extend from my back. We kill most of them, in a few seconds. Correction, we killed them all. Very hard to hit what you can't see, especially when it stabs at you immediately before you know it's a secret.

Anyways, now that they're dead, we consume them, some of them. We leave blood and finger hands so they can identify the corpses.

With that out of the way and our hunger satiated, we call the cops using one of the criminals phones. Before we leave the scene of the crime, we carve my new name into the side of the building over and over again, very quickly with my tendrils before doing it once more in bold, with blood, this time saying, I AM CARNAGE.

Then, I leave. I jump up onto the roof of the neighboring building, and go invisible before going home. While we get home, me and Toga talk to each other. We get to know each other.

"Have you noticed that we're changing?" She asks me. "Yes. Now that you point it out. I'm more cold hearted, and am seemingly developing psychopathy. You seem to be calming down with your blood lust, and are starting to become more analytical. For you, the cause of this could be my constant flow of blood to keep our identity and my death a secret, your constant desire for the the taste of blood has been satiated, and as such your true nature has finally bloomed. This however doesn't explain my change in personality, and the more likely cause is a neural connection, which would not only explain our ability to share our thoughts, but would also explain why we're slowly sharing personality traits. Eventually, we might become so similar we may as well be the same being." I tell her.

"Bullsh**" She tells me.

"You're entitled to your opinion. I'm entitled to mine, and whatever gray areas we share should hopefully benefit us both." I tell her, as I finally get home and open the door, seeing mom in the kitchen, and yes, we both saw Inko as our mother, with how much she cared for us, though Toga had her doubts my mom would love her if she found out she existed. I doubt Toga's right in this regard with our mother's loving nature.

"Welcome home Izuku. Dinner is almost ready." She says, as I enter the living room. "That's great, can't wait to taste heaven on my tongue." I tell her, as I sit on the couch and turn on the TV mid broadcast.

"-group of drug dealers was found dead with numerous weaponry and while the identities of the criminals is as of yet unknown, it would appear a new villain has come into the world, going by the name of Carnage." The report says.

At that moment, I feel a sudden burst of anger.

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