Chapter 20

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  Leila was tongue-tied. Why was he asking her that? Her heart sank and panic rooted itself in her.
Raphael observed her and wondered why she suddenly looked shocked like she had seen a ghost.

  Leila was quick to suppress her thrown aback state and cleared her throat to speak. "I have no idea Raphael. Why would you ask that? Are you suspecting me?"

She knew Raphael was smart and sharp. He was also shrewd. Any hint of panic in her face would give her away so she masked her frightened state and quickly put on a smile.

Raphael shook his head at her. "Look everybody is a suspect Leila. Some one tried to fucking kill my wife. It wasn't an accident. Somebody out there is after my wife's life"

"And you think it's me? Didn't you mention some weeks back that you recieved a threatening  letter from Ivan and he promised to harm Nicole so..."

"It's not Ivan"Raphael sharply interrupted Leila which got her startled. "Yes he threatened me using Nicole but this accident wasn't masterminded by Ivan"

Leila bit her bottom lip and straightened her spine. Flipping her hair, she gazed at Raphael intently. "Why do you think that Raphael?"

"Because the brakes of her car were tampered with. She left my mansion with that car. Someone from the inside did it. The question is who?"

"Say the word boss. Give the command and I'll go interrogate every fucking guard that was on duty the morning Nicole left. I'll deal with every single one of them until I get a confession"Leila said with a sternly resolve washed upon her face.

Raphael shook his head at her. "That won't be necessary Leila. There's definitely an enemy amongst us. I'll find the person and deal with that person. God help that soul"

Raphael's utterance made Leila quiver. She felt a gag hauling up to her throat as her mind ran through all the possible harsh, painful death methods Raphael would make her go through if he ever discovered she was responsible for Nicole's accident.

  Raphael rubbed his forehead and his head casted downwards as he cursed under his breath in Italian.
Leila swiftly placed her hand on his silky wavy locks.

"Don't beat yourself up for Nicole's accident Raphael. You weren't at fault"she softly said. Her fingers slowly began running through his hair.

Raphael was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't realise Leila's running fingers in his hair.
Images of her and Raphael's intimate moments in the past began flashing through Leila's mind as she softly ran her fingers into his hair, slowly massaging his scalp to his nape.

  She badly wished Raphael would touch her like before as she imagined herself gripping on to his hair with him pounding into her wet sex.

  Raphael cleared his throat slightly and sat straight, taking Leila's hand out of his hair. Disappointment washed over her face and she felt like crying out.

"I'll drop you home"he authoritatively stated.

"Raph can I ask a question?"Leila nervously uttered.

Raphael nodded and he held on to the steering wheel.

"Why do you love her so much though?" Leila asked in one breath. Her heart slammed repeatedly because of the weight of the questions she just spilled out of her mouth.

Raphael whipped his face to look at her. His full brows were raised at her. "Why I love Nicole so much?"
Leila nodded and she interlocked her hands together. "You stayed with her through out in the hospital"

"The reason for love is usually unknown Leila. Nicole is my life. I'm just crazy over her"Raphael sniggered.

  Leila had her lips pulled to a scowl as she listened to Raphael.
"But you know I actually thought I and you would end up together"

She was being bold, daring to ask.

"Not that I'm not happy with your marriage though. I am very happy for you"Leila immedately added to evade suspicion.

"Leila you and I had a consensual sexual relationship. We never promised each other love or a relationship"Raphael bluntly stated.

Leila could feel her blood boiling. She squeezed her hands together and forced a smile on her lips. "I understand. I am truly glad you got married to her. I thought you never had a heart. But she brought it out. We can be rest assured that you are becoming more human"Leila teased.

Raphael chuckled at her. "You can put it that way. Anyways I instructed for Luciano to be sent to Moscow. Hope he is keeping an eye on Alina?"Raphael asked as the wheels of the car geared to life.

  Leila watched Raphael speak and swallowed the bile forming her throat.
"Nicole you were really lucky today. But next time you won't be I promise you. You have no idea of what I'm capable of doing Raphael. You have not a single clue of what is coming for your dear wife. You truly have no idea"

* * * * * * *

  Raphael walked through the maze of guards paroling the vicinity till he got to the entry doors. Each guard looked stunned as well as rigid the moment they spotted Raphael.

  After dropping Leila, he drove straight to his grandfather's mansion. He hardly came here except on business basis.

  He pushed open the huge steel doors and made his way inside.
Raphael's eyes patronized every corner of the huge living room.

  Seated on the king sized sofa placed in the middle of the living room was his grand father, a cigarette placed in between his lips as usual. Seated next to him was his own father and his step brother, Dante.

Armani was the first to spot Raphael as everyone else had their attention away from the door.
He slowly stood up, hands behind his back which got the remaining two to face Raphael.

"You paid me a visit. Wow. Any problem boy? What do you want?" He gruffly asked.

"All three devils sitting together. Isn't that amazing. I'm glad I met you three"Raphael muttered without even giving his speech a second thought.

"Raphael don't talk to us in that tone!"His father bellowed at him.

Armani upheaved his hands at his son inlaw and gave Raphael a sly grin. "You came here to insult me?"

Raphael gave a low laugh and went over to sit on one of the ash coloured sofa's.
His finger pads tapped on the sofa, eyes glaring at Armani and his father.

"Ivan threatened me using Nicole grandfather"

His grandfather shrugged his shoulders at him. "So?"

Raphael stood up and went towards Armani, staring at him eyeball to eyeball. "Did you just say so?"

He shot each of them hard glares, his fist balling up. "My wife who has no idea of what ever is happening is being targeted by Ivan. Why? Because of you and your selfish son inlaw"

"I am your father Raphael!"

"That's the only title you hold in my life"Raphael inaudible said, his voice not more than a whisper.

"Ivan wants to kill my wife over some shits you both did to him in the past. I will take anything but not an attempt on my wife's life"he growled.

  Dante had a smirk curved by the corners of his lips. He enjoyed watching Raphael and father fall out.
"It will be a shame if Ivan eventually succeeds in killing her. Well she signed her own death by choosing you"Dante butted in to provoke Raphael the more.

  Raphael controlled his urge to grip Dante and squeeze life out of his lungs. He shot him a frosty glare and turned his attention back to his father and grand father.
"If anything happens to my wife, if my wife gets to pay for the sins of you two, I swear I'll lead you both to the doors of hell"

"Are you threatening I and your father child!?"Armani asked, stunned.

"It is not a threat but a promise"came Raphael's gravely reply  before he dashed out of the living room as swiftly as he entered.

  Enemies were all around them, both inside and outside.
He had to show all of them that he wouldn't take threats directed as his wife lightly. He would fight to protect her and he didn't mind fighting his own family.

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