Chapter 50

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    The room was gloomy doom, scanty with just a sofa as the only piece of furniture decorating the dark room.
A faintly lit bulb swung carelessly in the middle, evoking squeaky noises with each swing which was the only sound that befell the room.

   Ruffled brown hairs with large carouse hands that were combing through it, dishevelling it the more flopped on the edge of the sofa.

With searching brown eyes staring up at the ceiling, the man blew puffs of cigarette smoke into the air, dragging the cigar out of his lips.

  A slow knock on the door was heard. A smile curved by the side of his peach lips.

   Loud thumping footsteps were accompanied by the deep chuckling of a young man.

"I've been waiting for you" came the hoarse voice of the man.

  "It's not easy doing this but I'm glad I'm back on track" the young man told him as he stood behind the sofa.
   With a sharp bolt from the sofa, the older man turned to face his counterpart before engulfing him in a hug.

"Maxim. Ivan must be very proud of you" he acknowledged as he pulled out of the hug.

Maxim had a glint of mischief sparkle in his eyes. "And you too. You truly live up to being the ghost"

    A hearty laughter filled the atmosphere, both men exchanging pleasantries.

With a sense of urgency ringing in his voice, the man spoke, "We don't have much time left Maxim. Raphael will be back anytime soon. We need to strike now that the bloody son of a bitch is away"

  He sauntered towards the cold glass windows of the room, staring into the open field.

"I know that. That flash drive is what I'm targeting right now. Once we get our hands on it, we've gotten back every detail we need to make sure the Italians crumble" Maxim walked closer to him.

  The man turned to stare at him, giving him a wry smile. "Have you got a plan for that?"his brows were hinted up.

"Ofcourse I have" he smiled uncanningly.

"And what is your plan?"

"Nicole" Maxim replied almost immediately.
"She will be our golden card to get that flash drive. She will be Raphael's biggest curse"

* * * * * * *

  Nicole sat on the couch, her eyes perusing through the magazine that was held in her hands. Days went by like a blur in Raphael's mansion.

  These days, she did nothing but sleep, wake, eat, sleep and continue the boring unending cycle the next day.
Even though Raphael wasn't around, he had made sure to cage her within the walls of his mansion.

  She knew rightfully well that he was just trying to protect her. After the death escapades they encountered, she knew Raphael was only trying to guard his precious doe.

   But sometimes she felt so locked up that everything felt choking.
It was as if Nicole was cut out from the outside world.

  Her nights were lonely. She was no longer waking up to that warm farmilair scent that always got her intoxicated, nor those strong caring hands that were always there to shield her and pleasure her.

  The sheets felt cold every morning. Raphael's absence truly didn't go unnoticed in the house.

The maids discussed about him and his capos in hushed tones but were quick to shut their mouth whenever they spotted Nicole coming.

  She very well deciphered it in their eyes. Raphael's absence was taking a toll on her seriously.
How she badly wished she could see her husband one more time.

  The arrival of a guest snapped Nicole out of her gloomy thoughts.

"You have a visitor ma" a maid timidly informed her whilst keeping her head bowed.

Miles pondorously walked into the mansion causing Nicole to stare wide eyed.

"Miles. Such a big surprise. How are you doing?" Nicole tittered.

"Please do take a seat" she offered him.
Travelling her gaze at the maid, she spoke, "You may go but please get us some refreshments"

  The young maid nodded and walked away living just Nicole and Miles together.

"Sit please" Nicole reminded him pointing at a sofa.
Miles had his orbs exploring the corners of the mansion.

"Are you looking for something?" Nicole asked with deeply knitted brows.

  His gaze then snapped to meet hers and he put up a stoic expression on his face.
"Not at all. I'm just wondering...." his voice trailed off with the arrival of the maid.

  She handed Miles a cup of orange juice and did same to Nicole before setting a tray of cookies on the table placed in the middle of the living room.

  Dismissing the maid with a soft smile, Nicole focused her attention back on miles.

"Where is your husband? The house looks pretty empty" miles cunningly asked.

  Nicole gave off a deep long sigh.
"He went out of the country for a business trip" she replied taking a sip out of the drink in her slender fingers.

"Oh. That explains this weird absence I feel in this house. I can tell you really miss him"

  A lopsided smile  drew on Nicole's face. Miss was an understatement right now. She missed every single detail about Raphael.

From his face, to his body, to his beautiful company, his smile, his dominating attitude; every thing.
She missed every single thing Raphael encompassed.

"I do miss him. So much" Nicole drew the words out of her mouth slowly.

"Well seeing you is such a surprise. Is there anything I need to know?" Nicole changed the discussion.

"Well yes. I know how specialised you are in the area of IT.  My company is looking to hire workers of your standard with exceptional prowess in the field of cyber security.  I just wanted to inform you. Probably you could be interested" miles meticulously explained.

  Nicole had a sparkle of joy shimmer in her eyes. "That's great! I would love to...." she stopped herself immedately.

"In as much as I would want to apply for this, I can't. Not without Raphael's permission"

Miles expected that from her.
"Oh I understand but it wouldn't hurt to come check out the company will it?"

Nicole shook her head and pressed her lips tightly. "Raphael wouldn't agree to it"

"But why though? Do you like being uhm should I say the typical African house wife?"

"Ofcourse I don't!" Nicole retorted sharply.

Miles knew he had pushed her buttons. "I know you wouldn't but it seems you might turn into one. It honestly won't hurt to come check it out. Then later on you can think of the job offer and discuss it with Raphael. What do you say?"

   A brief, unsettling silence engulfed the atmosphere with each person in deep thoughts.

"Fine. Let me go check it out only because of you" Nicole gave in after deep thoughts.

Miles triumphed within himself.
He had gotten over the first phase of his plan.

  "Let's go so you can come back on time" he told her, bolting up from his seat. Nicole stood up nervously and walked towards him.

"After you" miles outstretched his hands graciously with Nicole coming to walk ahead of him.

  As they left, a pair of watchful orbs stared at them living room from a fairly distant corner in the house.

  With a phone in a hand recording the entire conversation and scene, a disparaging smile spread across Leila's face.

  She stopped the recording and stared at it.
"Let's see how you handle this Raphael. I'll make sure I keep on creating ideas in your head that you are forced to believe that they are the reality"

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