Chapter 41

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"What the hell was that?"Raphael asked as he walked down from the stairs. He had just taken a sedated, sleeping Maya to one of the numerous bedrooms upstairs.

Everybody was still as shocked as ever. I could feel the tensed atmosphere. It was soaring in the air, gliding through every one.

Raphael had his gaze focused on Micheal who seemed the most shock.
His brows were creased and deeply knitted, his mouth slightly ajar in blank amazement.

"Why did Maya say you are an imposter Micheal?" Raphael interrogated, coming closer to his father.

I noticed Raphael seldomly addressed his parents by the tittle they held in his life. He always called them by their names with no atom of fear.

"I have no clue. Do I look like an imposter to you?!" Micheal barked back at Raphael.

I watched his bloodshot gaze flash at Raphael and scaring the living daylight out of me.

Raphael stood silent. I didn't know what he was thinking and I was scared of asking. I didn't want to add fuel into the already enraged atmosphere.

"I think it's best you leave for now. If Maya sees you she might go on a panic fright. So maybe you should just remain away from her probably until the wedding is over" Luca suggested, walking over to Micheal.

"Luca" Micheal bellowed, clasping his hand on his shoulder and pressing it roughly.

"I have no idea what is going on with Maya but you are the medical expert here. Get her well and sound. I don't her to turn out as a lunatic"

Luca gave a slight dip of his head.
Raphael didn't utter a single word. Micheal travelled his hot gaze at Raphael. "Take care of your mother"

    Raphael nodded to his father's order.
Crazy how this felt like the first time Raphael literally seemed obedient to his parents.

"Nobody should approach Maya until she regains her consciousness and when talking to her try as much as possible not to mention micheal. The patient mental fortitude can not bear that at the moment" Luca requested once micheal had left.

  "Homero I want to speak to you" Raphael announced shoving past everyone and walking towards Homero.

"The study room then" Homero suggested as he led the way upstairs.

What the hell literally happened today?
I thought today would turn out as a normal, blissful experience but instead it brought out another confusing problem.

Assassins on our neck now Maya claims Raphael's father is going to murder us all.
What does Cuba really have in store for us?

Well I had a feeling whatever it was, it wasn't something good.

* * * * * * * * * *

  I stood from a close range and watched Raphael stand outside his mother's room.

After the event that unfolded yesterday, Raphael had become extremely quiet and withdrawn.

I had no clue what exactly was bothering him and I also didn't have the guts to approach him too.
Was it because he found his mother or the fact that his mother accused his father of wanting to kill them all?
Or both?

Raphael didn't seem like he believed his mother anyways.

He perched by the doorway of his mother's room, his large hands held on to the handle.

It was as if he was battling with himself on if he should open it or not.

Raphael hadn't seen his mother ever since she regained her consciousness. I was the only one talking to her.

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