Chapter 21

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    My accident really hit me like lightening bolt. From going to the boutique to getting a major car crash and the next thing that fell upon my eyes was this hospital ward which had more or less become my temporary abode. It was a very scary experience. I had never been so scared like that in my life.

  I thought I was going to die noticing how the car kept on accelerating in speed and my inability to control it. I could only imagine how terror-struck Raphael would have been. He stayed with me all through the day of the accident and held on to my hand.

My stay in this hospital was gradually climbing to two weeks and Raphael never left me. He made my ward his second home. I watched him abandon all work activities for my sake. I felt really bad because I knew it meant his work would be compiling and once I was discharged, he would have a lot on his plate.

  I truly wanted him to go back to work but Raphael adamantly insisted on staying with me in the hospital.
When he left my ward with Leila, I actually thought he would be back the next day. I was glad he was going home to rest but to my utmost surprise he came back with some of my belongings and his.

  I knew I would be in here for some time but I never expected Raphael to stay in here with me. He helped me with everything.  He accompanied me to the toilet and shower and never let me walk by myself.

  My legs felt so sore and wobbly the moment it stepped barefoot on the cold tiles of my ward. I almost fell but Raphael held on to me.
It turned out I sustained injuries in my thighbone so walking long distances were a bit difficult. I couldn't climb stairs either.   I was advised by the doctor to exercise my legs by walking more. It was really difficult on the first day. I was wincing like a pregnant woman but Raphael was by my side. He helped me in every step.

By day, after we both would freshen up, he would go get us breakfast and I'll take my daily round of medications. By noon, he would always make sure I observe my seista and by evening he will help me in my walking.
I became a toddler taking her first steps.

  He lay by my side every night, professing how much he loved me and how he couldn't bear to loose me. I couldn't help but sob listening to him.

I truly couldn't have asked for a more better husband.
I loved this man so much.

  I was still very much distraught when the doctor informed both of us of the state of the other victim of the accident. He had suffered internal injuries and underwent surgery. He was currently in a medical induced coma. The doctor said it would last up to a week or more.

  My everyday prayer with each sunrise was that this person, who ever he was, would come out safe and sound. Heaven knows I wouldn't  look at myself ever again if anything happened to him.
I felt so guilty. I literally crashed into his car and now he was fighting for his life.

  Raphael did try to reassure me that I wasn't at fault but I knew I was. I just pray he recovers. I wouldn't want him to die for my silly mistake.

Today would make it a week and three days since I had been admitted. In between my stay in the hospital, Aurora and Sofia would come visit me. I missed them so much.  I just wanted to go back and see them once again. I had made great improvements and I truly couldn't wait to leave this hospital and go outside. It felt like I was in a prison, a glorified prisoner in her cage.

  "Bella won't you eat breakfast?" Raphael inquired, the wonderful odour frenzy of the dish brought in by Aurora oozing around.
  I smiled at him and took a spoonful of it. "Aurora never ceases to amaze me with her culinary skills Raphael"

"She is such a wonderful cook I know. I learnt from her"Raphael proudly stated.

I laughed. "I am still so surprised you can actually cook. You don't look like you love cooking"

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