Chapter 49

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    I sighed heavily the moment I cut the call. Leila's words were still drifting into my mind. Ofcourse I knew Nicole wouldn't dare to have any thing amorous to be with another man. She wouldn't cheat on me not even for all the millions in the world.

    I was very obvious of the fact that Leila still had feelings for me. Even though she thought I didn't know. It was radiating off her. I knew when a female was attracted to me. It was so easy to get under their skirts and between their legs. It was never a problem. But my marriage to Nicole changed me and changed the way I felt about the opposite sex and love.

I would do any thing to keep Nicole happy. I can't even spare a second glance at any woman. That woman has caged my soul, my body and my heart. Nicole would never try to cheat on me.

  Leila was just trying to turn me against Nicole and make me read meanings to things that aren't even true.
I bolted up from my seat in a flash. Before she called, my capos had informed me that Diego's location had been found.

The fucker had been in hiding ever since he recieved the decapitated body of Estaban. A devilish smile drew itself on my lips whenever I remember how I killed Estaban.

  And that's how I plan to kill every single person that tries to harm my family. But before killing Diego, I'll make sure I extract vital information from him.

  The asshole knew where my exact location would be in Mexico before sending his assassins. How did he know that?
Diego was clearly not working alone.
Could it be Ivan who he partnered with? I won't be surprised because Ivan was always getting on my nerves.

Somebody on the inside that knew of my location snitched on me.

  I promise to give whoever the rat is such a painful, gory death but I must first get all the information from Diego.
Having that in mind, I grabbed my car keys from the desk and walked outside.

   Igniting the engine, I drove in a state of haste to Diego's safe house.
Belonging to the mafia means you should always have more than one abode. Any thing can happen at any moment. Diego really thought that one through.
   I drove speedily on the road until I had got to my destination. Killing the engine, I pushed open the car door, but not before grabbing my gun.

I wasn't here for games.
My men had already surrounded the area and disarmed Diego's guards.
I spotted ruby red stains of blood on the wall.

A wry smile crept on to my face. They must have had a gun brawl.
My capos were standing on arrival for me. Thomas was the first to walk up to me.

Feeding me on the information, he spoke, "Took you a while to come. Diego is in there"

"He was probably fucking a whore imagining her as Nicole" Dante spat whilst tucking in his gun behind his pants.

He strode ahead of me whilst I rolled my eyes at his comment.
Straightening my suit, I faced Marco and Lorenzo. "Has Ivan been up to any tricks lately?"

"None that we know off" Lorenzo replied.
My eyes narrowed to Marco.

"He seems awfully quiet in his activities" Marco concurred.

That wasn't good. Well it was but at the same time it wasn't.
Some thing was definitely brewing up.

"Let's go deal with Diego first" I nodded.
I sauntered in with my men forming a flank around me. There were broken glasses on the floor, broken furnitures too and blood stains decorated the walls.

  It must have been a fierce shoot out.
I'll inquire if we lost any of our men after dealing with Diego so as to send compensation to each one of their families.

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