Chapter 25

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  Nicole tossed about in her bed, unable to sleep as her slumber was being haunted by terrible nightmares.

Suddenly her eyes shot open and she was instantly jerked awake. Her heart beat was racing to its summit. Nicole sat up and placed a hand on her chest, trying to calm down her erratic heart.

"God. Why am I feeling so scared?"Nicole asked no one in particular.

Her worried thoughts then drifted to Raphael and her breathing got hitched.
He wasn't back home yet. Her eyes roved around her room, scanning every corner.

  "Raphael?"She called out as she stood up from the bed in hopes of meeting him in the bathroom or closet.
The only response she got was an empty closet.

  "Raphael where are you?"Nicole cried out to herself, slumping on the cold floor of the closet.
This wasn't the way she imagined her married life to turn out.

She hardly saw her husband because he was always too busy with work.
They hardly spent time with each other again as Raphael had other important issues to attend to.

She didn't like the turn of events. She just wished Raphael could quit his mafia.

* * * * * * * *

  Nicole walked out of the her bedroom with gloomy thoughts. The warm shower she just had did nothing in soothing the torrentious waves that had become her nerves.
  Her hands scraped against walls of the hallway as she walked towards one of the staircases that stood at the centre of the living room.

"Raphael?"She called out hoping he was just around the corners of his imperial mansion.
Her worried voice echoed back as replies as she ponderously walked towards the stairs.

"Thoma, Emilio, Lorenzo, Marco, Luca?" Nicole called out, her footsteps quickening in pace.

"Goddamit! Where are all the men in this house?!" Nicole scoffed in vexation, approaching the staircase.
Her hands held on to the gold railing with her eyes scanning the living room.

It was bustling with activities as usual. Workers were scattered around cleaning. She noticed a few were heading upstairs and in their hands held various cleaning equipment.
  But no sign of Raphael.

"Sofia good morning...oh..are you?"Nicole's voice trailed off once she alighted from the stairs, observing Sofia clutching on to a pink petite handbag and cook book.

"Goodmorning Nicole. You look worried. What's up?"Sofia asked.

Nicole exhaled and dragged the words slowly from her mouth. "Did Raphael come home this morning?"

Sofia shook her head and a pained stare got plastered on Nicole's already worried features. "I haven't even seen Emilio. No sign of Thomas, Luca, Marco and Lorenzo. Atleast before they stopped by regularly"

Sofia gently rubbed Nicole's shoulder, trying to calm the melanin lady. "They are all busy with work Nicole. Raphael will be back I promise"

"I hope so"Nicole muttered underneath her breath. Her eyes then trailed to the cook book that was hauled against Sofia's chest.

"Are you also going out?"Nicole queried, her eyes darting to Sofia's face.
"Mmhm"sofia hummed in reply.

"I am going for my pastry practice. Please don't get too stressed up ok"

Nicole adopted a faint smile on her lips. "Where is Aurora?"

Sofia jutted with her chin towards the kitchen. "She and some chefs are preparing breakfast"

Sofia quickly gave Nicole a brief hug, her hands rubbing Nicole tensed back. "I'll have to go now. I'm running late. Take care Nicole"

  She immedately scurried out of the living room leaving Nicole stunned.

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