Chapter 59

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My eyes slowly peeled open to the luminous parallel rays of the moon which intruded my room through the curtains. 

  It took a while for my vision to adjust as everything seemed blurry at first.
Sitting up straight, I felt my head throb and at once, sharp stinging pains made me wince.

  It felt like my head was a dumbbell.
I hissed in pain and placed a hand on my temple, slowly massaging it to ease my pain.

  My eyes trailed towards the windows. It was slowly becoming dusk. The horizontal cloud turned shimmering dark with the moon already rearing its head out.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked no one in particular.
I tried recollecting when I got back from work and I just could not remember a thing.
  Suddenly, my phone rang and I quickly swiped it from the bedstand and glanced at it.
Raphael was calling.

And more especially, he had called me a fucking twenty times.

My jaws dropped and I felt perplexed. Did he miss me that much?
He was probably just worried. I must have really over slept.

"Hello baby" I picked the call with a groan.

What came next was an interluded silence. Why is he being so quiet?

"Raph are you there?" I asked with brows hiked.

A deep sigh resonated before Raphael spoke.
"Has Miles visited you recently?"

I almost burst out laughing. So this was why he called? My husband is so insecure. I shook my head at the thought and chuckled.
"Answer me Nicole!" Raphael sharply demanded which got me jerking.

"Calm down baby. Miles hasn't visited me or this house in a while" I replied.

"Are you sure?" Raphael prod further.

  My brows knitted together and I nodded my head. "Yes I am. Why the sudden interrogative questions babe?"

"Why didn't you pick my calls? Didn't you see my miss calls or were you doing something else?" Raphael blatantly ignored my other questions.

What was going on with Raphael?
He sounded angry?

"I honestly was asleep Raphael. I just woke" I replied.

"Really? Nicole you were asleep since you came back from work? Why?" Raphael codly asked like he was unconvinced with all I said.

  "Raphael.."I let out a short suppressed but nervous chuckle.
"What's with the questions? Is some thing wrong? Yes I was asleep since I came back from work. Any problem?"

  Raphael remained mute causing my worries to soar higher.

"I'm coming back in the next two weeks" He cryptically stated before cutting the call on me.

  I stared at my phone in sheer shock and bewilderment.
Why did he hung up on me?

My hands swiftly tapped on the call icon, anxiety sweeping me as I dailed Raphael's number.
Why did Raphael hung up so abruptly and why was he so interrogative?

  After a few minutes of ringing, I got no response.
I tried about two more times before I gave up.

He must probably be busy or it is the network.

  Anyways, I won't let that overshadow the shocking news Raphael just dropped.
He would be coming back next two weeks!

  Finally. I would get to have my husband in my arms again.
I flopped my head back on to bed, giggling like a teenager inlove as I reminisced on all the memories I shared with Raphael.

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