Chapter 66

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  I steathily walked inside the mansion and tucked my gun behind my pant.
Hell was about to receive another soul today.

  The mansion seemed awfully silent, it gave off a mourning aura as I ambled my way upstairs.
Aurora had totally stopped talking to me and didn't show her face around me ever since I threw Nicole into this cellar.

  Sofia secluded herself from me and they both avoided me like a plague.
If only they knew the real Nicole who they had come to adore so much.

  If someone told me Nicole would turn against me in such a manner, I would have shot the person. I loved this woman but she backstabbed me and lied to me directly to my face.

  I was ready to forgive her but now I'm not sure I can.
Hell I won't be able to trust another woman again!

My emotions raged, my anger flaring as I walked towards the cellar. I had to kill her.

On sighting my arrival, the guards on stand by quickly bowed their heads and opened the door to the dark corridors of the cellar.

On stepping in, a foul odour hit my nostrils and I cringed.
It smelled so horrible, like the stench of meat rottening away.

  Enduring the stench, I walked through the dark corridors of the cold cell until I stumbled upon Nicole's cell.

  I strained my eyes to find her figure in the darkness and I could barely spot it. It seemed she had blended together with the darkness of the cellar.

  The guard who barricaded her cell bowed to me.
"Has she confessed?" I inquired.

"No. Infact she has stopped crying or talking since this morning" He informed.

"Open the cell" I yelled my orders and he immedately jumped to action.
Unlocking the heavy lock of her cell, I quickly sauntered inside and spotted Nicole's frail body lying unconscious on the cold floor of the cell.

  I took out my flashlight to be able to access her figure well.
She had been here for a week plus and she had truly become a shadow of her former self.

   I walked further towards her and noticed her skins had bruises all over. She was extremely frail and bony.

How did she get so much bruises?
If I remember clearly, I never asked any of my men to beat her up.

Starving her off food and water was enough for me.
So how did she get so much bruises?

  A gut feeling tied around my throat and I forced myself to focus on the main reason I was here.
Bruises or not, It didn't matter now.

  I was here to kill her and not to treat her.

Using my shoe, I nudged her by her side but I got no response.
"Nicole get the fuck up" I ordered but she didn't move.

A gloomy doom feeling began growing rapidly inside me.
"Get me water!" I yelled to the guard outside.
  He hearkened to my order and in no time, he dashed into the cell with a jug of water.

  I grabbed it from his hand and emptied the entire content on Nicole but she didn't even twitch.
Anxiety settled in and my heart sank.

  My knees caved to the ground and I quickly searched for her pulse but I could barely feel any thing.

"Nicole!" I yelled, slapping her already bruised cheek but she still was limb.  Her lips were cold and her chest was barely heaving--if at all it was still heaving.

  My hand settled between her breasts in panic as I tried to feel her heartbeat.
Nothing was coming through.

  Fear gripped me and my heart sank to my knees, beating so fast and erratic.

What is wrong with me? I wanted her dead didn't I?
So why was I feeling so scared. This sort of fear, I experienced it months ago when Nicole got involved in that fatal car accident.

Didn't I want her to die?
A sob escaped past my lips and my pain clogged my chest.

  Without wasting time, I scooped Nicole's weightless body up and sprinted out of the cellar.

"Call the doctor now!"I bellowed, my heart ceasing to function as I dashed back up stairs.

  My men stared at me in bewilderment but they dare not say a word.

"Call the fucking doctor!!" I screamed, racing for our room.
Aurora and sofia rushed towards me, tears clouding their eyes.

"Nicole! What have you done to Nicole?" Aurora cried out.
Sofia slumped on to the wall for support, tears trickling down her face.

Aurora screamed in agony, watching Nicole's broken and bruised body in my arms.

Even I couldn't bring myself to stare at what I had done to Nicole.
Her body was battered up, bony, bruises littered her entire skin and her face was swollen and bloody.
Her eyes carried a huge shade of red and deep cuts decorated her arms to show the degree of torture she had endured.

  No single part of her body had been spared from my demon. Blood and bruises coated her skin like she had just bathed in it.

Mud and dirt covered her pale and bony body like it was her skin and her torn and worn out dress did a poor job in covering up her body.

  Did I do all these to Nicole?
I couldn't bring myself to stare at her figure, to stare at the repulsive sight I had made out of a beautiful woman.

With a heavy push of my foot, the door slammed open and I rushed inside, laying Nicole on our bed.

  "Raphael look at poor Nicole. She is dying..." Aurora cried as she fell to her knees, she had never registered such a brutal sight before.

"She won't die!" I yelled out, but I was trying to convince myself as I struggled to contain my tears.

  In no time, a swarm of doctors burst inside my room with Luca in their midst.

My capos scrambled into the room apart from Thomas.
He was nowhere to be found amongst them.

Had he totally forsaken me?
This couldn't be happening.

"Holy shit. Is this Nicole?" Luca gasped on seeing Nicole's lifeless form on my bed.
I stood crying, my body giving way to tears.
I buried my face in my palms, crying bitterly for the one woman I loved.

  "Luca please save Nicole. Please save her. I'll pay you any amount. Just save my wife" I pleaded, my world crumbling.

Luca gave me a sorry look. "Pray Raphael. Pray for her because she is in between life and death"

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