Chapter 68

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  Leila jerked and I could see confusion webbed over her face at the sudden cock of my gun.

" something wrong?" Leila asked in such a gentle tone, coming over to me.

  She noticed the stares we gave her and her brows deeply creased into a frown.
"What's wrong Raphael?" She asked once more, veering her eyes from my capos and back to me.

  She placed her hand on my shoulder and I slapped it off immediately causing Leila to let out a shriek.

  My eyes burned with so much anger that it tightened my chest.
My rage was dangerous, murderous and blood thirsty.

  My fist balled immediately and I yanked Leila by her pony tail, causing her to scream.
"Raphael!" She yelled as my hands fisted into her scalp.

"I am capo dei capi to you got it? I never want to hear my name from that filthy lying mouth of yours" I gritted threateningly at Leila.

"Ouch. Ra---I mean capo dei capi, what's going on? Why are you guys standing there watching him do this to me?" Leila threw a question at Lorenzo, Marco and Thomas.

"Because he is our capo" Marco replied nonchalantly.

Leila had her mouth at agape at his reply and her chest heaved a thousand times.

"And we always obey our capo" Lorenzo replied with a smirk.

"Let go off my hair please" Leila pleaded, trying so hard to free herself from my grip.
I pushed her to the floor and she fell with a thud.

"What's going on?" She frantically cried for an answer, spurning around to face us all.

"Leila how long did you think you could hide your true colours from me?" I snarled, taking slow and dangerous steps towards her.

  Leila had her mortified eyes stationed at my gun and she crawled backwards the more I approached her.

"I--I don't understand you capo. What do you mean? I mean...why are  you being so animalistic towards me? It's me Leila" she panted with her gaze still positioned at my gun.

  I so much loved the fear evoking out of her right now.
Nicole went through all these shits when she had the spare flash drive the whole time.

  Nicole was starved for it and now she is in there battling for her life.
I will not spare Leila for this betrayal.

"Of course I know who you are. You are a betrayal and a backstabber" I growled, yanking her up in such a fierce grip.

  "I--I am not..."

My hands connected to Leila's cheek in a resounding and fierce slap, cutting her short.
Leila faced me, her eyes widening in horror.

"You just slapped me" she whispered, holding on to her cheek with tears brewing up in her eyes.

"You deserve even more than a slap you lying bitch" I jeered.

"How am I the lying bitch? I didn't even do anything. Nicole is the lying one...."

  I gave her another slap causing Leila to fall to the ground. I yanked her up by the hair, my rage burning and the veins in my neck throbbing.

"Don't you ever mention my wife's name with your filthy mouth" I balefully warned.

Leila was robbed off her speech, her lips quivering.  I guess by now she knew that her game was over and she could no longer hide under the guise of being a loyal friend.

  "Leila how dare you? You knew all along that Nicole was saying the truth and you choose to lie about it. You saw how helpless Nicole was that day. She looked at you pleadingly to back her up but you lied to her face and to us all even when you knew that you had the spare drive. Leila you took advantage of my trust!"

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