Chapter 63

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A deep and gruff sigh escaped my broken lips the moment I felt a discomfort in my stomach. Sitting up straight, I pushed myself of the cold ground of the cellar and rested my back on its cold walls.

  I don't even know how I've been surviving in here, trapped in a muddy cold cellar with barely amy light, rodents always running past my legs with just a bucket to pee and vomit.

  Oh fuck. Was this what my life had become?
Raphael never came to check on me, not even for a single minute did I hear his rich voice resonating through the walls of the cellar.

  The only person who came was Thomas and ever since that day, I had not set my frail eyes upon him again.
I greatly missed his company. I was all alone in this battle but he strengthened me and promised to help me get to the root of it all.

  Now I wish to see him again, this discovery I had stumbled upon was what I needed to get myself out of here.
Of course Raphael would not believe me when I tell him who the monster he thinks is his father really is.

  A pained smile drew on my lips as I recalled his exact words to me that fateful night. He hates me now.

  This pain I felt in my heart was too much to bear. If Raphael really did ever love me then he would come down to see me.

  His love for me couldn't have waned in just a single day.
At least I'm sure deep down in his heart, he felt this pain I felt and he wasn't totally convinced that I was guilty of these allegations.

  I need to speak to Thomas and reveal all these to him. As it stands, Thomas is the only one that can help me.

  My thoughts were cut short by the heavy thumping of footsteps approaching. It echoed in the silence of the cellar. I frowned my face, wondering who it was. Probably one of the guards.
After spending about three days in this cellar, my vision had adjusted to the darkness and somehow it gave me solace.

  The nearer the footsteps approached, the more my anxiety to see whoever it was increased until the steps finally stopped in front of my cellar and my jaws dropped on who it was.

I stood with a bolt immedately, my chest heaving repeatedly. I watched Raphael bring out a key and opened the iron locks of the cellar.

  He took slow strides inside with his hands in his pocket.
His nose scrunched at the foul odour mixing with the air.

"Raph you came" I said with a hint of excitement in my tone.
I knew he thought of me. His love for me couldn't fade so easily.

"Are you ready to confess where Maxim and my flash drive are?" Raphale abruptly asked crumbling all hopes I had of him still loving me.

  I became robbed off my speech and my lips quivered. "I--i--don't know raph. I pr-prom..."

Raphael didn't let me complete my statement as he interrupted me rudely.
"Enough!" he gritted his teeth in anger.

  His eyes blazed with fury and resentment coated his facial features.
Raphael took predatorial steps towards me and before I knew it, he immedately grabbed me by my neck.

  I gasped for air, holding his hand and trying to writhe myself free from his iron grip.
"R-raph...." I gasped, the pain hitting my senses.

"I'll repeat myself, where is my flash drive and Maxim Nicole!?" Raphael yelled, a murderous look in his eyes as his grip tightened.

"I d-don't...know" I struggled to speak with tears forming in my eyes.

  Raphael suddenly let go making me take in sharp intakes of air and clutch on to my chest tightly.

"Fine. If you want to be stubborn then I'll show you how I treat stubborn people" Raphael baleful uttered causing jitters to spread around my body.

"I trusted you. I loved you. Yet you betrayed me and gave out my drive to the enemy. I'll make sure I make you regret ever knowing me. I'll become your worst nightmare" Raphael added with a savage glare before exiting the cellar.
I fell to the ground, tears streaming out of my eyes.

  How did my life become this?
I was enjoying my marraige one moment then the next moment I woke up to see that I had been framed for a crime I never committed.

  I cried even harder, my throat aching me and my eyes growing weak.

"Hey bitch" a distinct sultry tone reached my ears after some minutes.

  I raised my eyes up to meet Leila's mocking stares and a groan left my lips.

Ofcourse she would come to rub salt in my wounds.
"What do you want?" I asked in a whisper.

"I was sent here to get you to spill the beans darlings" Leila laughed.

"What fucking beans!? You are the one who took the drive and you sit and watch Raphael punish me for it. Why Leila? Do you hate me that much?" I asked, my pain demanding an explanation.

"Fucking yes I do. Your arrival in Raphael's life ruined my position in his life. He married you instead of getting married to me. Do you know how long I waited to see Raphael propose to me? But he never did that. Instead he travelled to Africa and brought back you as his wife out of the blue. You ruined everything!"

  Tears overwhelmed me once more. She was just being so selfish that she didn't realise that keeping that drive was going to be disastrous to this mafia.

Raphael was already going crazy for it. And the more it stayed hidden, the more enraged he became.

"Your selfishness is clouding your judgement. This isn't about you anymore but it's about Raphael's mafia"

"I don't give a fuck about this mafia! All I care about is Raphael. And I will do anything it takes to get him back even if it means destroying his freaking mafia" Leila scowled before kneeling in front of me.

Wrapping a cloth around her knuckles, Leila kissed them before veering her eyes back to my frightful orbs.
"I'll enjoy breaking your ribs today" Leila gave a sadistic smile.

"Do your fucking worst. Raphael will never be yours" I scoffed, bracing myself up.

Jesus save my soul.

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