Chapter 27

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  The guards went stiff, their frigid orbs darting to the ground on seeing Raphael stride towards the doors of his father's office.

  He ignored their rigid state as they acknowledged his and Dante's presence with a slight dip of their heads.  Dante let out a deep exhale and snatched out his gun from its hoister.

"Why are you bringing out your gun cazzo-cock?" Raphael asked in a low tone with his face turned to peak a glance at Dante.

Dante shrugged his shoulders. "Incase one of them pees in their pants. I don't know why they look so pale whenever they see you"

Raphael had a smirk forming by the corners of his lips.
They should always look pale on seeing him. He loved the fear and spine chilling dread that ignited in the hearts of people whenever they thought of him.

Raphael roughly pushed open the door and elegantly walked inside with Dante to their father's surprise.
The air inside was frosty as expected, welcoming them in.
Raphael's eyes explored the office as if searching for something. The walls were painted coffee brown with in depth white lines forming a pattern.

The walls next to the huge closed windows that had wisteria coloured curtains draping down had white tiles decorating over them in a design.
Two seater couch and a syrup brown coffee table were placed in the middle of the office.

  Various antique bookshelves were placed at the far end of the office adding to its formal look with artificial plant pots adorning the office.

    Dark brown eyes browsed both men sharp profiles, a glass placed on the bridge of his nose as he studied the features of the men who had barged into his office unannounced.

At once he cleared his throat and tore his eyes away from their gaze, shifting into the various files placed on the mahogany office table in front of him.
"Glad to see my children came to visit me" Micheal said with a false chuckle.

Raphael hissed and pulled out one of the black chairs, sitting on it with Dante following suite.
  "Drop your gun son. I'm your father not a criminal"Micheal reminded Dante who placed his gun atop his desk.

   "Mr Micheal"Raphael began in a dark tone. His father hiked him a brow and snapped his gaze to face the nonchalant stare of Raphael.

"Drop the formalities. What do you want? I don't have all day" Micheal muttered carelessly, taking in swift glances at Raphael and Dante.

"Look father we have an issue"Dante breathed.

"Well fucking spill it out!"

"Do you know Mario is dead?"Raphael curiously asked, leaning forward and placing his hands on his father's desk.

His father stared in amazement and was open mouthed at Raphael's revelation.
"I have no idea. How?when? Where?"His father immedately asked.

"Yesterday night. There was a shoot out at caravella casino. He was found dead"Raphael explained.
He perused his father's shock state.

"Why did Mario quit his job?"Raphael added in a flash.

His father was at a loss for words, his eyes fixed on Raphael.
"Well I don't know. He just quit"

"And you let him go just like that without asking him why?"Dante persisted.

"Ofcourse. He has been working with me for years. I felt he wanted a break from you know the hustles and torrents of life. So I let him go"

"Such a silly mistake"Raphael spat.

"Raphael!"His father yelled in a fit of rage, banging his fists on his desk.

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