Chapter 73

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   "Nicole please will you just listen to me?" I pleaded, following Nicole up the stairs but she still stood her ground and maintained her view of getting a divorce.

  A month has passed since she told me that she would divorce me and honestly, I was beyond broken.

I mean I love this woman so much.
Even now that she is rejecting and blatantly trying to push me out of her life, I'm still so adamant on not leaving her or signing the divorce papers she threw at my face this morning.

  My world, my entire life, my marraige; every thing is crumbling right before my very eyes and I feel so helpless to even do any thing.

  Nicole really wasn't bluffing when she said she would divorce me. Her dark, brown orbs no longer carried any love for me.

Whenever I stared into those orbs that was clothed in love and warmth, all I see now is hatred and disgust for me.

  And I deserve it. I know I do. Even I still hate myself and I am burning in guilt every fucking day knowing that Nicole will never forgive me for this.

I just can't let her go. I can't stand to see her walk away from my life and go be with another man.
I love her way too much to allow that happen.
I'll fucking rip apart any man that tries to take Nicole away from me and I don't care honestly.

  I am crazy over this woman and I'm willing to right all my wrongs but she's not giving me a single chance to do so.

Atleast, I've started in some part by clearing out those fucking Russians.
Recently, my capos informed me that Ivan and his cohorts had been killed.

  It was truly a deadly gun brawl.
My men fought to the very end.
I lost a few men which hurt me but knowing that those fucking Fedorovs were now six feet underneath the earth gladdened my heart.

All but one of them; Alina. Thomas spared her. I didn't even know why he spared her in the first place but I had already informed him to leave her with a threatening message.
If she should ever think of harming me and my family, she will go down just like her fucking father and brother.

"Nicole please. Hear me out. You don't mean this" I spoke again, pivoting Nicole to face me once we had gotten to the top of the stairs.

"I mean it Raphael. Please stop bugging me and sign the freaking papers. I want an end to this marraige. I feel suffocated here!" Nicole lashed out trying to writhe herself free from my grip.

"I am trying to fix us up Nicole. Please just give me a chance. Give me a second chance and let me right all my wrongs and prove to you how much I love you" I bemoaned.

"There's is no us Mr Raphael!" Nicole scowled, yanking my hands off her.

"You can't fix what isn't there anymore. Raphael don't you get it?"her voice became shaky as she spoke.

I pushed Nicole onto the wall and she gasped, her eyes widening.

"Explain it to me because I don't bella. I don't understand a thing you are saying. All I know is that I'm trying to win back your love but you aren't letting me..."

"It's too late Raphael" Nicole cut me short. Pain clouded my thoughts and my heart sank.
Nicola stared deep into my eyes and a lone tear trickled down her cheeks.

"It's far too late for that. Don't you see it? We are a recipe for disaster. Ever since I came into your life, it's been from one attack to the other. I'm tired Raphael. I am tired of living in fear. Fear of assasins, gun wars, inside attacks and even fear of you" she whispered the last part out.

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