Chapter 45

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  I took Nicole by the hand into my waiting car. She insisted we go to a church and honestly I didn't want to go but inorder to fulfil her wish, I gave in.

  My mother's death really took a huge mental toll on me. Flashes of her beautiful smile still haunts my memory.

My mother was attacked in her apartment in cuba and now she was shot.
Why was she fucking attacked in the first place? She didn't leave much information on what she had been up to after her divorce with my dad.

I closed my eyes and turned to face my men. About a score of them stood behind me, waiting for my next line of action.

Estaban had been located. I received word from my capos about his location in cuba.
Finally. My gun is aching to kiss his face.

"Half of you are to go to Estaban's location. Keep an eye on him. The remaining half will serve as I and my wife's entourage. Make sure he is being monitored and don't loose him" I spilled my orders and watch half of them disperse whilst the other half got into their various cars.

That was Nicole calling me. I swiftly turned around and gave her a smile.
She smiled. She looked so beautiful.

"Did you miss me?" I smirked.
She rolled her eyes at me. "Drive. We don't want to keep the priest wating" she insisted.

I ignited the engines at once, driving into the high way with some of my men following me.
From the corners of my eye, I could see Nicole occasionally turning backwards to stare at the black cars of my men.

"What's wrong darling?" I prod. She seemed tensed and eaten up by anxiety.

"Why are your men following us?"she asked me with such a shaky tone.

I knew she was scared. It was radiating off her.
"For protection hunny. Be calm ok"I reassured her.

Nicole nodded rather too slowly and focused her attention on the road.
Minutes later, we arrived at the huge Catholic church.

  I killed the engine and stepped out first. Nicole didn't wait for me to come open the door for her. She stepped outside delicately whilst straddling on to her purse. Her eyes admired the intricate designs of the entrance way.

"Hold on baby" I whispered to her before going over to talk to my men.

"What did you tell them? And why are they dispersing?" Nicole asked me once I walked over to her.

"I don't want them to frighten the priest so I gave them commands to stay in hiding"

She gave me a smug smile and interlocked my fingers with hers.

As we stepped inside, the only sound heard was the sound of our footsteps making its way into the church.

A priest was already by the alter, dressed in his white apparel probably waiting for us as Nicole had taken the stress upon herself to reach out to a priest and inform him of our arrival.

"Goodevening father" Nicole greeted submissively.

"I wish she can still be this submissive for me on bed" I lustfully thought to myself.

"Bless you my children" the elderly man replied coming over to us and making a symbol of the cross on the air.
I sat on one of the numerous wooden benches with Nicole, my legs apart.
I have no words to say to this priest.

"Father" Nicole inhaled sharply.
"We need the Lord's guidance in our lives"

I sighed as I sat in silence.

"Speak freely my daughter. You are safe in the house of the Lord" he talked like someone that commanded authority.

Well he did in the church.

"I am a sinner and so..." Nicole paused, diverting her eyes to mine before trailing back to the priest.

"So is my husband"

I felt his heated stare on me as if he was trying to burrow into my soul.

"You must repent and not repeat those sins" he told Nicole.

Nicole cleared her throat to speak but I was quick to cut in.
"I'm afraid I'll keep on sinning father"

An awkward silence falls into the atmosphere. I could spot Nicole's confused expression.

"You are in the house of the Lord my son. What sin do you speak off?"

"Forgive me father but I can't say" I replied abruptly.

I can tell he is very distraught by my statements.
"Your words are vague my son"

I nodded almost immediately.

"I sin for my family father. For her" I let out a breath, facing Nicole.
A surprised and confused stare paints her entire face.

"Father please pay no attention to my husband. We just need your guidance father" Nicole quickly buts in which gets me to chuckle darkly.

"I am but a servant of the Lord. The Lord is always with anyone that has a pure heart as his eyes are roving for the righteous and kindhearted. Confess your sins and repent of them  my children"

"Thank you father. May God keep on strengthening you to do what's right" Nicole thanked, standing up and so did I.

"God bless you my children as you depart" the priest replied with a smile, placing his frail hands on both our heads.

I sighed and walked out of the church with Nicole. I could see a satisfied smile forming on her face.
I would kill to see her smile like this every day.

"Raphael thank you for accompanying me" she said delightedly.

I laughed. "You can thank me in a much more better way" I leaned in closer.

Nicole placed a hand on my chest, softly pushing me backwards.
"We are in a church Raphael"

"So?" I replied unfazed.
Her cheeks got drained of its colours and she blushed.
"Not here. Not now at least"

"Ok principessa. I expect you to thank me well later on our bed. It's been really long" I licked my bottom lips in such a lustful manner with my eyes feeding on her entire physique.

My men began coming out on seeing me.
"You"I pointed at one and he rushed towards me like a loyal dog.

"Take my wife home and if as little as a scratch is seen on her skin I'll give you scars. Am I understood?" I balefully threatened.

"I can go home myself baby" Nicole whispered to me.
I shook my head at her.
Her safety was my number one responsibility.

"No. He will drive you home" I demanded.

"And where are you going?"

"To handle...some important issues" I replied cryptically.
Nicole wasn't satisfied with my reply but she gave a dip of her head and followed my underboss into a car.

I watched them drive off before turning to face my car.
"Lets go visit Estaban" I devilishly ordered to my men.

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