Don't Follow the Will-O'-The-Wisp

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Ivy walked down the hill, twisting her hands nervously at the thought of the task ahead of her. Her friends had all offered to walk with her to the forest edge, but ultimately she'd decided to take the time for herself to calm her mind.

She'd considered bringing Theo, but Blaise had his arms wrapped around him from behind at the time of the offer, and she couldn't bring herself to separate the two when they looked so content and happy.

To try and settle her nerves she focused her mind on the walk down to the forest. The birds were still chirping brightly despite the rapidly changing weather, and the breeze that blew found itself unable to penetrate her thick cloak, so it brushed past her face in bright gusts of cold.

Ivy stepped into the forest and took a deep breath, then ventured on to the clearing that Tiamat had said Magorian would meet her in. She stepped out into the space and breathed deeply again, allowing the rich smell of wet pine and earth to fill her senses.

From the side of her vision, she saw the centaur chief step into the clearing with her, far more quietly than any being his size should reasonably be able to do. She turned to him and bowed slightly, noting that he did the same.

Being Hermione's friend for her first year of school had only made her obsession with research worse, and she'd poured over as many books about centaurs as she could find time to read in her spare hours, which were growing slimmer than Madame Prince's bony shushing finger.

She'd tried to keep in mind while she read that all these books were written by witches and wizards, and even those with the best intentions had a slight superiority complex.

Even so, the message had been clearly received that they were a solemn race with a clear code of ethics, a strong sense of morality, and strict etiquette which she'd taken every precaution to learn.

She was glad she had now, as she straightened back up slightly taller than her previous nervousness had allowed. Centaurs only bowed if they thought you were worthy of the respect - it meant they viewed you as an equal.

Ivy let this information run through her mind, chasing away the doubt and insecurities she'd had been fighting the last few days and stepped forward closer to where Magorian was standing.

"Welcome, Ivy Stone." He said simply, his tone deep and calm. He smiled at her and extended his hand. Ivy tentatively smiled back and reached out her own to take his, and silently he lead her out of the clearing and into the thick of the forest. They walked in silence for many minutes, but it held no discomfort nor pressure.

With every step, Ivy could feel herself becoming more in tune with the forest. Every breath brought her a deeper appreciation for the rich smells of the bark and fallen leaves. Every step made her more appreciative of the way the branches fell upon the ground from their intertwined patterns above.

Every beat of silence brought to her another sound that seeped into her heart; the chirrup of birds, talking in their boughs, the rush of water from a distant stream, the crack of a branch falling to the ground to decay and enrich the soil.

It wasn't the exciting splendour and amazement she had experienced on her first trip to the selkie colony, but it filled her with just as much awe. A deep peace settled over her whole body, and by the time they reached the centaur camp she felt more whole and in tune with herself and her surroundings than she ever had before. The forest itself seemed to possess a certain magic, and she felt honoured to experience its beautiful peace.

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