Hot People Don't Call Ghosts Mean Names

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"Ivy if I don't go to a loo right now I will piss myself and it will all be your fault."

Ivy groaned and threw her head back in defeat. Pansy had been harassing her about going to the restroom for nearly five minutes, and although she kept reminding her that the only usable one was ten minutes away, her friend seemed to think that it was her fault for not magically building one for her to use.

"Merlin save me. Fine, we will just go to the one down here. But don't say I didn't warn you. Nobody uses this one. It floods and is haunted by some ghost everyone seems to hate." Ivy grumbled as she grabbed Pansy's hand and turned around to go back to the restrooms just down the hall.

They burst into the room and Ivy wrinkled up her nose as she looked around. Nobody had maintained this place in years. The mirrors were cracked and many of the stall doors were hanging off their hinges.

Pansy untangled her hand and dashed to one of the stalls that was still intact, leaving Ivy to wait in the room alone. As she looked around she suddenly started. A very miserable, angry, pale face was glaring at her from one of the sinks.

She tried to conceal her surprise as she smiled tentatively at the ghost. "Hello, you must be Myrtle."

The angry face only become more miserable and annoyed as the rest of the girls body rose out of the sink and hovered above the ground. "Don't you mean Moaning Myrtle?" Snapped the ghost angrily.

Ivy regarded her carefully, she seemed a bit temperamental, but mostly just upset. "Well that depends, do you like being called that?" She meant the question genuinely. As a rule she wasn't altogether too fond of the way the students named the ghosts.

The Bloody Baron's least favourite thing to mention was why he was covered in blood, Nearly Headless Nick lamented that he wasn't fully headless, the Fat Friar was an derogatory name that ignored all his kindness and grace, and the grey lady, well, Ivy didn't know much about her. She mostly kept to herself and the Ravenclaws.

"No, I don't like it." Responded Myrtle, still snappish but now with a slightly confused undertone.

Ivy smiled at her, "Then I believe I meant to call you Myrtle, if you don't mind. I like your glasses by the way."

The ghost cried and zoomed about the room before landing in front of her in a different spot. "You're making fun of me." She screeched accusingly.

Ivy bit back a smile, Myrtle was incredibly dramatic, but instead of the annoyance other students had expressed she actually found it quite amusing. "I'm not making fun of you! I always wanted glasses, but I don't think they'd look as becoming on me. I don't have the face for them. But they look rather nice on you. I haven't seen that style before, but it's lovely."

Myrtle regarded her with an excess of caution and wariness, then subconsciously moved her glasses further up on her nose. "Olive Hornby used to mock my glasses. She said they made me look stupid," Her next words were airy with a note of triumph in them. "So I haunted her after I died."

Ivy's loud laughter boomed off of the tile walls making Myrtle snap her gaze back to her and watch confusedly as the young witch clutched her stomach. "That's bloody brilliant, Salazar that's hysterical." She said breathily.

Myrtle squinted her eyes as though trying to figure out whether or not Ivy was laughing at her, but a slow smirk spread across her features as Ivy wheezed out her next words through bouts of laughter. "You're telling me that you were bullied by a girl and so you haunted her after your death. That's so petty, I love it."

Myrtle shrugged nonchalantly but it was obvious she was pleased. "It made her miserable. I even ruined her brothers wedding before the ministry forced me to leave her alone and return to Hogwarts."

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