Spiders and Sirens Aren't Homies

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Harry She was focused on something on the other side of the room. He hesitantly raised his arm and pointed to the window. "Look," he said in a hushed voice. Ivy glanced up to see a thin trail of spiders climbing up and out the window in formation. As if they spoke with a mind of their own, her lips formed the words Hagrid had left them. "Follow the spiders."

As soon as the words were out of her mouth she was up and moving to the door, Harry right behind her and Ron trailing somewhat more reluctantly after him. The spiders were forming a trail that crept down the side of the cottage and wound it's way into the Forbidden Forest as if they were all of one mind.

"We have to go in, we have to follow them." Ivy whipped around to face the boys behind her. Harry looked grim but determined as he nodded back at her, Fang already by his side. Ron was white as a sheet and shaking his head desperately, walking slowly backwards away from the forest and the spiders. All he was saying was "no no no no. Not spiders. I can't do spiders."

Ivy pursed her lips and glanced into the dark woods behind them. For a brief second she considered leaving him and going on with Harry alone, but there was safety in numbers and she didn't know if they'd need his help.

So instead she strode up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder. "Ron. I know you're afraid. But I need you to pull it together. This is the only lead we have." He was still eying the spiders and shaking his head in fright. "I need you to be brave Ronald. For Hermione."

At this he snapped his gaze up to Ivy's, paused for a second, then took a deep breathe and nodded so shortly it looked as though it pained him. "Thank you Ron." She whispered, then turned and strode past Harry, leading the way into the pitch Black Forest.

She wove her way through the trees by the light of her wand, making sure to never lose sight of the spiders. The stream was growing steadily thicker as lines from different directions joined in the flight from the castle grounds.

All of the sudden, there were two brilliantly bright lights shining on them, and Ivy's heart stopped for a moment, expecting to see teachers beside them, but what she found was so much more odd that the fear flooded her body instantly, replaced by sheer curiosity.

For the first time, Ron spoke from behind them. "Harry! It's our car! Look at it, it must have been out here all this time. Seems like the forest turned it wild." The car was indeed looking rather wild, covered with scratches and dirt, with various twigs, bushes and leaves stuck to it all over.

Ivy smiled slightly to herself at what Magorian must think of a sentient car roaming freely in his woods, then she gestured to the boys. "Come on, we've got to keep moving."

Harry and Ron nodded and began to trudge after her, deeper and deeper into the woods. Ivy clenched her jaw slightly as she walked. She knew these woods better than any student, but there was something in the air tonight that screamed danger. Before her steps could falter even a little, Hermione and Griffins faces flashed in her mind, making her square her shoulders and pick up her pace.

Once they crested a small hill they walked almost immediately into a hollow that run with odd noises, clicking sounds and echoes. It seemed colder here than it had before, making Ivy shudder and pull her sweater tighter around her.

That was before the shadow rose before them and spoke into the gloom. "You do not come from the forest. Your hearts beat like men." The voice was creaky with age, and rang with a deepness of something that has seen many years.

Harry stepped towards Ivy ever so slightly. "We're friends of Hagrid's. You're Aragog, aren't you?"

The creature turned towards them slightly, large as a house but cloaked in darkness. "Hagrid has never sent men into our hollow before."

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