The Worst Night Ever (Part One)

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She awoke to a pounding on her door. With weary eyes the girl sat up, brushing back her messy black hair.

"Becky... BECKYYYY... BECKYYYYYY." Tj called, continuously knocking his fists onto the thin barrier.

Grumbing, the girl got up and flung open her door. Her brother stood inches away, and backed away after realizing he had gotten her attention. "What do you want, Tj?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Mom wants you," he shrugged, smirking.

Becky frowned before pushing past him and heading off to find her mother. "Thanks." She muttered bitterly. He could be such a pain sometimes.

The girl walked downstairs, sliding her hand down the guide rail with an exhausted vigor. The wood was cold and smooth beneath her fingers, and the steps gave audible thuds as she let herself weigh down heavily on the wooden slabs.

As she depended into the kitchen, she could see her mother gathering her purse and keys in the living room below. The girl looked at the clock on their wall. 6:30.

"Becky!" She smiled, upon noticing her daughter. The woman finished placing her keys within her purse before slinging the strap over her shoulder.

"Are we leaving already?" Becky asked, knowing it was still too early to leave for Violet's party.

"About that, " the woman frowned. "Something came up, and I have to go to work. Do you think you'll be able to walk there yourself?"

Becky nodded. Her friend's house was a shorter walk than the one she took to school. It would be a piece of cake.

"I'm sorry, sweetie." Her mom lulled, moving to hug her. "Your father will be back before you get home. I don't know how long I'll be stuck at the office..."

"It's alright." Becky smiled. This would work out better anyways. She could safely transform into wordgirl and fly to Violet's house instead of having to constantly explain her secret identity's absences.

"I love you." The woman smiled, hugging her once more.

"Love you too, Mom."

Quickly she made her way out the door, leaving her two children behind. As she walked past the window she gave a final wave.

Becky felt empty. She didn't even want to go to this party. All she would be doing is performing like a circus monkey in front of her adoring fans. "Best behavior." She thought to herself, knowing well that her best behavior didn't actually make her feel like she was the best.

Slowly she returned to her room and began getting ready for the party.

Bob caught her eyes as she opened her door. He had opened the window, allowing a cool breeze to flow through the room. He squeaked grumpily, reminding her that she hadn't even acknowledged him since she left for school.

"Sorry, Bob," she professed. The monkey was the only one who had ever been there for her throughout her entire life, but their relationship had grown stale since she began growing bored of their hero duties. "So..." she began, closing the window. "Do you want to accompany me to Violet's party tonight?"

The chimp gave her a confused look.

"Violet wants Wordgirl to entertain a birthday party for her cousin," she divulged with an annoyed smirk.

Bob gave a joyous look, clearly excited to be doing something related to being a hero.

Becky had learned that her feelings were the exact opposite of what her trusty sidekick felt. When she had taken a step back from saving the city, he had gotten even more into it. They were like two passing trains, each going in opposite directions. She was glad to hear that he wanted to join her, him being there would at least make it bearable.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now