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Becky woke up at around five in the morning. Her numerous injuries were calling out for attention, aching and stinging despite the medicine Tobey had worked so hard to find. The abrupt pain and hard floor had prevented her from resting comfortably, and she found it impossible to fall back asleep. She couldn’t stop thinking about Eradica and how she had demanded some unknown answers from her before beating her into submission. She had no idea how the woman had discovered her identity and even less of an idea how she came across the abilities she had. There was no way the woman was human, as her skills were entirely flawless, perfect in every way.

“Perfect.” Becky thought, a deep terror encroaching over her. “How could she compete with perfection?” There was no possible way to beat Eradica, and FairCity was permanently doomed because of her countless flaws. Everyone was gone, and unless she could by some miracle find a way to stop the woman, she would be forced to give up. 

However her fears for herself and the city dulled in comparison for how she felt towards Tobey. Unlike her, he was still at risk of being transformed and his behavior earlier had seemed more like his usual self rather than his nicer counterpart. He had been uncaring, unhappy, and easily angered all within the single brief interaction. 

She would be lying if she said that her feelings for him hadn’t been growing, and it upset her to think that he was in danger not only from Eradica but also his own mind.

Next to her the boy was sleeping. His face was blank and emotionless, but every few minutes he would stirr, revealing his own restlessness. His messy blond hair was lying scattered over his closed eyes, and his glasses were neatly folded next to the rolled up blanket he was using as a pillow.

Becky gave a pained smile. Something about him was still different. Hurt, but still there.

“I need to get him out of here… ” she thought to herself, determined. As soon as she was in better condition she would help him to escape to a nearby city. She couldn’t let him stay here with her, and it was the least she could do for the one person who understood her. They were both imperfect, and when she was around him she felt like that was an okay thing to be.
Tobey opened his eyes with a start, immediately looking over to see if Becky was alright, but slowing after remembering his discovery from the night prior. In a way he felt cruel for caring. 

“You’re finally awake.” She smiled, looking deeply into his dull eyes.

"I suppose…" He frowned, rolling to look away. Every second he spent looking at her he felt as if he was taking advantage of her kindness.

Becky watched, her heart sinking. "Did… did I do something wrong?"

"No no no…" the boy reassured in a panic. "It's just…"

The girl listened intently, sensing his upset. "It's just what?"

"Nothing…" He replied, his voice growing darker, knowing that he didn't deserve her sympathy. "It's nothing." 

In his mind he was scolding himself. He had to act like nothing was wrong, despite it feeling like the world had collapsed on top of him. 

Becky brushed a strand of hair from her face, sitting up carefully so as to not reopen any of her injuries. "Come here." She pleaded softly, garnering the boy’s attention.

Guiltily he turned back around, looking up at his only friend, terrified of losing her due to his mistaken belief that he could be a good person. "What?"

Becky bit her lip, knowing instantly a way to cheer him up, but uncertain if she could do such a thing. "Sit." She beckoned, drawing him closer with a wave of her small hand.

He did so with a confused frown. "You should be laying down, trying to heal."

"I'm fine. Just close your eyes for a second." Becky smiled, scooting closer to him. Their knees were now almost touching and Tobey felt warm. Blood was now rushing in to his face, staining his cheeks a deep red. They were so close. Slowly he closed his eyes halfway, trying to peek at whatever was to be happening in front of him. 

"I said to close them, dork." Becky chuckled, placing a hand between herself and his face, effectively blocking his view.

"Fine…" He half-smiled, bitterly, shutting his eyes completely. 

Becky felt her heart racing as she quickly decided if she truly wanted to go through with this. "Okay…" she finally breathed, trying to calm her rising nerves. 

He was so sweet, sitting in front of her curiously waiting for whatever surprise she had planned for him. 

With a trembling hand Becky placed her right hand over her chest.

Despite having his eyes closed, Tobey could see a brilliant flash of light illuminating in front of him, and he nearly made an attempt to open them and see what was happening. However, the girl’s words put him at ease.

"Don't open them yet."

Becky relaxed as she slowly transformed, feeling her armor slide coolly over her skin, and her cape twist out from behind. For the first time in forever, being Wordgirl felt just like being Becky. They were one, imperfect entity, two sides that made up a single whole, a whole that now sat before a former enemy turned something much more. 

The girl inhaled deeply before leaning forward gently towards Tobey, who was still sitting in the dark, wondering what was about to happen.

She could feel his breath, cool and slow as she moved closer, sliding her hands against the floor for balance. 

Slowly her lips brushed against his, pressing carefully against his own. 

Tobey suddenly felt cold, shocked and confused by the sudden show of emotion. His heart began beating rapidly as he brought up a single hand to hold the side of her face, parting his lips gently so as to lie against her more comfortably.

After a few moments they parted, slowly blinking in the dim light as if they couldn't believe what had just happened. 

Becky studied Tobey's face, waiting for the moment he caught on. She smiled as his eyes widened with recognition.

"You're…" He paused, his mouth dropping open and eyes widening in shock. He then began to chuckle. "It was you… it was you the whole time! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!!!" 

Becky grinned lovingly as the boy pulled her into another kiss. This time grabbing at her hands to hold with pure joy. His body was warm against hers and gentle according to her numerous injuries. "You were right." She replied, fueling his happiness.

Bouncing with energy, Tobey pulled away, looking at her with an insurmountable amount of love. For once in his life he was absolutely speechless.

Opposites Attract: A Tobecky Story- Wordgirl X TobeyWhere stories live. Discover now